Saturday’s high school baseball and softball scores

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The results of the week


City section

Chats Worth 4, Polly 1

Chlor City 26, Morning Side 0 (5 innings)

Hamilton 14, West Chester 4 (6 innings)

San Fernando 3, Bravo 0

Toris 4, Was 2

South section

Anahim Valley 9, Crane Lutharan 0

Aroeo Valley 12, Eisen Hoover 1

Bishop Ummah 2, West Kovina 1

Bishop Montgomery 12, St. Anthony 4

Kejun 3, L. Tero 2

Castic 10, Flintage Pre -0

Century 3, Santa Anna Calori Chapel 1

Sitters Valley 16, La Palma Kennedy 1

Colony 11, Diamond Bar 4

Dos Pyblos 5, Fothel Tech 4

El Sigondo 6, North Touris 1

Environmental Charter 11, Lennox Academy 3

Estansia 5, Coltin 3

Golden Valley 5, Linkster 4

Heart 2, Valinsia 1 (10 innings)

Havenium 14, Skyline (ID) 5

Jorupa Valley 7, Fontana 4

Caesar 3, Grand Territs 1

Laguna Beach 4, Arin 0

La Serena 6, L Rencho 5

Los Alametos 5, Long Beach Wilson 3

Mayfire 1, Seritos 0

Miller 11, Pasadina Poly 1

Milicon 9, Fountain Valley 1

My Costa 7, Palos Wordes 3

Mission Weejo 4, Mission Hills 2

Morpark 3, Oxcanchen 1

Morino Valley 2, Palm Springs 1

Mountain View 12, Southlands Christ 11

Marriyta Mesa 8, Jorupa Hills 1

Norwak 3, Santa per 1

Orange 2, Teston 1

Orange Vista 7, River Side North 3

Panier 3, Audio 2

Renoco Bernardo 6, Mission Veju 6

Renoco Cocamonga 5, Lake Wood 0

Swana 12, Aspranza 2

South El Monte 10, Bell Gardens 5

Summit 11, Sunny Hills 2

Touris 6, Capsterow Valley Christian 1

Turbuko Hills 5, Ontario Christian 0

Villa Park 2, L Mudina 0

Western Christian 7, Dost 4

West Lake 5, Sherman Ox Notery Dam 4


Bern Bank Bruz 5, La Roosevelt 1

L Tero 7, Red (NV) 5

Franklin 9, Won 7

Redondo Union 12, Carson 4

Spanish Springs (NV) 1, San Claimant 0

Soft hair

City section

Banned 9, King/Drup 0

May Wood CES 22, Huntington Park 12 (5 innings)

South section

Arcadia 6, Bishop Alimani 0

Aroeo 14, Artisia 6

Artisia 8, Bernbank 3

Charter Oak 4, Lake Wood 0

Doni 7, Arcadia 3

Dowan 7, Championed 2

East Side 7, Passo Robels 7

Glendel 18, St. Mary Academy 3 (5 innings)

Glenn 12, Fire Bog 2

Caesar 2, Bern Bank 0

Lake Wood 10, River Side Prep 3

La Palma Kennedy 6, the island 3

Linfield Christian 11, Los Asos 6

Los Asos 7, Western Christian 1

San Dimas 10, Lumpuk Cabero 0 (5 innings)

San Louis Obespo 6, East Side 5

Santa per 6, Paramount 5

Santa per 4, Lumpuk Cabero 3

Sami Valley 7, Touris 0

South Tourins 4, My Costa 3

Southlands Christica 17, Elon 2 (5 innings)

West 9, the island 0

West 3, Santa Monica 1

Western Christian 12, River Side Pre 10

Whiteier Christian 7, Linfield Christian 6

Whiteier Christian 3, Hemat 2


Carson 14, Los Altos 1

Carson 8, my Costa 3

L. Sigondo 7, Banned 4

Glendel 11, Van Nevis 1 (5 innings)

Los Altos 5, Pedra Vista (NM) 2

Madison 11, CSDR 0 (5 innings)

Mission Bay 4, May Field 1

Ocean Side L. Cymino 3, Flintage Sacride Hart 2

Redondo Union 10, King/Droo 0

River Side North 8, Iron Wood (AZ) 5

River Side Poly 5, Yukipa 4

The sacred heart of Jesus 21, Hikanda Heights Wilson 2 (5 innings)

San Dimas 13, San Fernando 2 (5 innings)

Van Nevis 19, St. Mary’s Academy 8

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This story originally appeared Los Angeles Times.

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