Roder Ford Chang, a fantasy artist who turned his collection of Beatles “White Album” into a meditation at the age of Venial Classics – and, which melted 10,000 money in a copper block in another project so that A statement about Each red centrifugal – died on January 24 at his home in Manhattan. He was 45 years old.
His sister Daniel Chang said that a particular reason would not be determined for several months.
Mr Chang’s plans were a living heart, madness of mind. I “Andy forever” He and a colleague, in the historic set of films release, amended the 27 -minute video in the death of all Hong Kong film star Andy Lao.
In another video“Dead air,” He removed all the words of President George W. Bush’s Union Speech (which includes the Iraqi Despt of Saddam Hussein’s ambitions for the construction of nuclear and biological weapons), which only his breaks, breaths and homes The applause was made from the chamber.
And he cut the first page of the New York Times 2004, Reset all text in alphabet. Some of them, when reading aloud, looks like Yoda, the “star war” character that speaks in a idiom manner. In a headline, “Assistant and confrontation general on Ramsfield.”
“She was fanatical, but not forced,” said her sister Ms. Chang. “He was going to collect. His apartment is so organized, with nothing, but he has not thrown anything.
Mr Chang was not initially the collector of the 1968 double LP “The Beatles”, known as the “White Album”. He bought a copy of it as a teenager, but when he got another second after a few years, he realized that both – like an empty canvas, had changed over time in his simple white color premises.
“The more I got, the more I could see how different the same thing had been,” He described the website creative in 2017. “I didn’t know where it was going, when I started someone else, I wanted to at least enough to see the differences between them. Then it just kept on moving and I couldn’t stop.”
Mr. Chang’s installation, “We buy white albums,” unveiled in the Rescue Gallery In Manhattan in 2013, a record shop became a faxel, which had albums in Benz and Turn tables to play music.
A wall was filled with albums, whose owners had put their names on the core, as well as written letters, poems and other epitome on them. Some took pictures. The cover also shown samples of clothing manufactured by cardboard.
“The age of each album is individually and has become the last half -century model,” Mr Chang told the website Hypertler in 2013.
Exhibition – who traveled to several cities, including the Beatles’ home, Liverpool in 2014, was also an audio component.
When he heard copies of the “White Album” in the gallery, Mr Chang used a professional recording device connected to the turn table to make digital recording. Later, he had electronically in suppressing 100 of these layers in suppressing a thousand vinyl records, with all stable, scratches and original recording pellets. He sold some copies to each of them for $ 20 and traded others in more “white albums” (its collection reached 3,417 copies). That too Posted some audio on your website.
His virtual record presented a unique spin on the “White Album”. Factory pressure and volatility changes in Mr Chang’s Trinitable speed Alan Kozan wrote in the Times in 2013: “At the beginning of” dear dedication “, you hear the first line resonant several times, and ‘when my guitar cries slowly’ the track is almost unidentified.”
Roder Ford Chang was born on December 27, 1979 with a Taiwanese -based parent in Houston, and Los Ultos Hills, near Paulo Alto, grew up in California. His father, Jason, a semiconductor company, is the founder of ASE technology holding, and his mother, Chung Ping (Husiang) Chang, is a retired interior designer who manages home.
The early collection of Ruder Ford, when he was in childhood, was one of the small stickers who came with fruits, which he used to decorate the binder. All his life, he will collect many other things: baseball bats, hotel stationery, postcards, old Chinese megphones, year prices.
“She had a unique way to see the world,” said Ms Chang. “She saw the beauty of everyday items.”
After playing an important role in psychology while doing art courses at the University of Vesalian, where he received a Bachelor’s Degree in 2002, he remained aide for artist hundred Bang in Manhattan for two years. He then worked on his projects in Singapore and Beijing.
In 2008, he cut about 4,000 ink dot portraits from the Wall Street Journal, then re -connected them to a one -year book publishing alphabet, which he called the “Class of 2008”. He repeated several portraits. Barack Obama, who was elected president of the United States this year, appears 94 times, and his opposition to John McCain appears 74 times.
When it was exhibited at the White Space Gallery in Beijing in 2012, the journal called Mr Chang’s project “a window that brightened the preferences of the journal” because he tried to document the events of the year. –
Mr Chang turned his attention into performance art with video games: in 2016, he On the platform, the lively residence of the Game Boy Tetress has tried to achieve the world’s highest score, The 1990s puzzle game.
Until then, he had been playing Tatters since childhood (his purpose was to beat Apple’s founder, Steve Wozniac) and More than 1,700 videos of his game’s game were recorded. Videos were displayed in a gallery in the container, Tokyo in 2016.
Mr Chang told the Guardian this year By playing the Tetress, the modern office was imitated, where “we are expected to repeat a particular task again and again.” “Likewise, capitalism works, where you have to get more than others,” he added.
His 614,094 high scores won the second position in the world rankings for a while.
Mr Chang’s last big project, “St.,” The nature of the value was reviewed and anchor and digital were anchored in both worlds. Around 2017, he began to separate the money by coincidence with his change, he told the creative independence, without any specific purpose.
He said, he knew that some stocks were exchanging cash for money roles in banks and then setting up more valuable people than people made before 1982, when they were 95 % of copper and There were 5 % zinc, which made everyone valuable. 3.1 cents. But, he said, a storage cannot earn a higher price without old copper.
“I am thinking about what I can do with their melting,” Although it is illegal, “he said, because money is currency.” The money is in our own pocket. There is a lesser difference, it is like waste, it is nothing.
He finally found out what he would do. They deposited 10,000 money before 1982 and before. Blockchain, a digital database, and documentary and written on them They melted in 68 pounds of cube.
A dimensional model of cube Was auctioned by Christie Last year, as a Bitcoin Ordinal, a digital asset, in $ 50,400 – Mr. Chang retained physical cube – while digital shells are owned by thousands of people and sold in the open market.
In addition to his sister Daniel and his parents, another sister, Madelin Chang, and his partner, Sobasa Narita, have also been left after Mr Chang.
Aki SosamotoAn artist and a professor at the Yale School of Art, saw Mr Chang making his work body as he was a home partner in Vesalian. He said he had brought the personality into imaginary art, which is often a field, and he was a sharp observer of cultural phenomena and new media.
Although her job may look obsessed, Ms Sasamoto said, “I think it is in accordance with personal rituals and devotion. I do with someone who considers it every day. Was spiritual.