Russia suffering ‘environmental catastrophe’ after oil spill in Kerch Strait

Green Peace told the BBC confirmation that the final number of birds that could be higher than that, cited 12,000-13,000 deaths in the Strait of 2007.

About 70 dead dolphins were discovered on the beaches after the latest oil emissions, a dolphin rehabilitation center in Russia’s cross -coder area told the Interfax News Agency.

“This is a horrific blow to the environmental system,” Mr. Danielv Danielin told Russian media. He predicted the death of “tens of thousands of birds, many dolphins. [and] Great damage to coastal plants and animals. “

“In practice, nothing but microorganisms that eat and break the fuel oil, in such an environment, can even be in salty water. 200,000-500,000 tonnes, minimum, polluted. Removing the soil will not go without consequences, and will definitely lead to reorganization, “he said.

Dmitry Lesten, executive fellow of the Yale University School of Environment, told the BBC that such tankers have been prevented from leaving rivers in the winter under Russian safety rules.

“Those ships are not built for high waves, they are very long, including the draft draft,” he said.

According to Marine Traffic, questions have also been raised about the maritime capacity of the two ships, which are both more than 50 years old.

Footage released by Russian authorities shows that a tanker’s bow was completely broken during the incident, with oil lines being seen in the water. The captains of both ships have been arrested and a criminal investigation into the incident has been launched.

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