Right-wing Israeli minister backs Trump’s resettlement proposal

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Extremely right -wing Israeli Finance Minister Bezel Smutrich praised US President Donald Trump for the Gaza Strip Palestinians to re -settle in Arab countries.

“After 76 years in which the majority of Gaza’s population was detained in strict situations to maintain the purpose of destroying Israel, the idea of ​​finding them to help them, where they were a new and better life Can start. ” In a Hebrew language in a post on Sunday.

For many years, politicians have made irreparable suggestions, such as the establishment of a Palestinian state that will endanger Israel’s existence and security, Smutrich posted.

He said that only “unconventional thinking” can bring peace and security on new ways, he said that Prime Minister Benjamin has promised to work with Netanyahu to implement Trump’s plan.

Earlier in Air Force One reporters, Trump advised that Egypt and Jordan could take the Gaza Strip residents. He said the move could be long -term or temporary, while the devastating region was rebuilt.

Smithrich has in the past supported Israeli resettlement of the Gaza Strip. Trump’s predecessor, which Biden rejected. A year ago, Smithrich said that if the Israelis worked properly, the Palestinians would migrate.

Atmar Ben-Javier, who resigned from the National Security Minister last week, also supported Trump’s proposal.

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