Washington, DC-16: Former rap. Le-Zeldon (R-NY), US President-elected Donald Trump 8 speaking about the day about living [+]
Imagine a world where politicians are not scientists, decide what is harmful to your health. What would happen if they told you that cigarette smoke no longer causes cancer or was it good for you to sit in a closed garage breathing car? Will you trust scientists on them?
We all know that these things are dangerous and can kill us. And we relied on these commitments because they came from scientists and experts from the agency dedicated to the health of every American and environment: the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Unfortunately, politicians now want to “thank you for smoking” by submission to scientists and cancel the ability of the EPA to protect their family and climate.
On December 7, 2009, EPA scientists released a critical search based on decades of scientific research, “the environment endangered both the greenhouse gases in the environment and the environment of the current and the coming generations.” He also decided that telpipe emissions and light duty trucks from new cars are detrimental to public health and environment. It was “part of”Looking for a danger“And by calling the greenhouse gases dangerous to our health, the EPA established a legal base for organizing them under the Clean Air Act Rules, which has reduced air pollution through one since the 1970s. 78 %.
In my 32 -year career in the EPA, which includes 18 years as the Director of EPA’s office for transport and air quality, I saw many historical moments, including thousands of premature death savings from diesel trucks, cars, and locomotives. Historical 2012 fuel performance standards. In the EPA, my time taught me that in the fight against climate change, some really important moments could resonate for decades. That day was one of them in 2009. It cleared our clean and confirmed the EPA’s commitment to protect the health of future generations.
The risky search is the backbone and legal basis of almost every climate regulation that is implemented at the federal and state levels from a clean car and truck. Standards Power plant emission. But this is even more. It is a moral commitment to the health and well -being of the present and future generations. This means less children with asthma. This means lower deaths prematurely by contaminated air. This means admitting to the hospital. This means saved life.
Still today, this is a danger. The new administration is once again Bending corporate requirements For low rule and weak environmental protection-eventually, preferring profit over our health and well-being. The $ 8 trillion is looking for a global focus on the fuel industry. Search is Long -lasting opposition to The interests of the foam fuel and their political allies, who have tried to eliminate it from every available sources from the policy fit to legal action. In 2013, he took legal action to meet the search for the Supreme Court. But they have always failed.
Today, the new administration is ready to try again. They want to “re -evaluate” the search and potentially improve it. They say climate regulations are expensive and unnecessary, effectively asking very American: “What is the cost of your health or your life?”
One of the new administration First Executive Orders He instructed the EPA to re -evaluate the nation’s climate policies. The heads of the EPA Administrator and other agencies buried in a wide range of sequences are instructed to submit joint recommendations. When the legal status of the administrator’s results and permanently applied, ‘Clean Air Act’s section 202 (A) under the Green House or Green Gases or Green Gases’ or Green Gases’
As directed, at the end of Feb The White House recommended That the agency cancels the search for danger. Sorry, it came after a month Saying at the hearing of this confirmation That he will do ”Is retained with excitement“EPA’s mission to protect human health and environment.
The utility of this recommendation is deep. Without searching for the danger, the EPA will be unable to enforce the key provisions of the Clean Air Act targeting greenhouse gases. Clean car, clean trucks, and power plant pollution rules will be abolished, which will endanger the largest sources of US greenhouse gases and endanger the public.
The pressure of the new administration to eliminate the EPA’s regulatory powers will resonate ahead of the US borders, where the international community is fighting to prevent irrigation loss. The United States is the world’s second largest greenhouse gas amater. Its climate policies significantly restrict global efforts to reduce emissions. The climate action will send a dangerous signal to the US withdrawal to other countries that may be on the fence to reduce climate change.
The united front is needed, looking for a risk, and defending the EPA’s decades’ development. Congress, California and other states that have united to oppose California clean car and truck programs, environmental groups, medical professionals and business leaders. Especially the business community already exists Invested billions of In a clean energy transfer; Eliminating the basic regulations will cause economic chaos. The defense of this historical search is not just about the protection of the environment. This is about protecting your health and your family’s health rights.
We should also request the courts to support the law and maintain our progress. Fortunately, the scientific and legal defects of the risk of being in danger have only become stronger with each passing year. This is the power that allowed it to be tolerated Before the attacks and legal challenges.
Science is unclear: climate change is real, and it is important to find a risk to acknowledge the fact and take immediate action. If the new administration succeeds in canceling it, we take the risk of losing the pace that has been constructed over the past decade to deal with climate change – and yes, we put our health at risk.
Let’s keep political posting and corporate interests aside, which are rich at public health. The time has come for them to unite and are at risk. Our children, our planets and our economy depend on it. Let’s stand for science, health and the health of our planet.