Rakhi Sawant is ‘getting married’ to Pakistani actor Dodi Khan – Celebrity

Haniya Aamir’s new best friend Rakhi Sawant is “marrying Pakistani actor Dodi Khan”!

Swant’s love for Pakistan started recently after he expressed disappointment over India’s tricky ban and threatened Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (yes, he threatened Modi) that he Pakistan will go, Halwa Puri, and will marry a Pakistani man.

It seems that the third desire is about to be fulfilled. Khan, who acted The balloon is unhappy. And ChargedHe welcomed Swant after posting a video when he claimed that she was at the Lahore airport, waiting for Aamir to take it.

“Should we send? Branch India or Dubai? “Khan asked Sawant on Instagram, and ended his video with a” love of you “.

Well, what to do after a girl says she’s ready for marriage? She says yes, of course, what Queen Rakhi did.

“That is my love. We love each other. She is from Pakistan. I am from India, so our love will be married. “Rakhi Sawant told the Indian shop News 18.

He said of his former spouse, “Adil is jealous of my marriage, so he wants the wrong advertising, the wrong advertising in my name and I really do not want to promote this fool.”

One in Interview With journalist Ambrin Fatima, Savant said she wanted a Muslim spouse and during three visits to Mecca, she prayed for a Muslim husband. Reality television star said she wants someone who has prayed five times a day, someone who “was”Maulana Type “.

Talking to Khan about his ‘origin of the blessings’, he said that the marriage would be in Pakistan and the ceremony would be Islamic. For this we say, what is better than the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to marry Islamic?

“Dodi from Pakistan has suggested me and I have said yes to me. I have not thought about the children, and if they are born in Pakistan or India.

As an ambassador to peace, that is, Sawant also claimed that the marriage would create a sense of brotherhood between India and Pakistan. Filled, old foreign honors, move forward to Pakistan and India, eventually the light of peace that they really need Need. In fact, what is the better way to unite the subcontinent than to laugh, dance and love?!

During the interview, he also said that media personnel would be invited to his wedding, and we only have a rash. G Please, please, please invite us too!

Is Dodi Khan really one for Rakhi Sawant? Will Haniya Aamir be invited to the wedding and will she dance? Equivalent Photographs Be invited (because we are Well To dance)? Has his comments hurt Modi? Only time will show everyone!

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