R.F.K. Jr.’s Excited Fan Club: Conservative Christian Moms

Anna Glatin and her husband run a small residence on 60 acres outside the village of Guinnessville, Texas, a rural city, Ginusville, just south of the Oklahoma State line. Their form, which follows the principles of re -born agriculture, includes pigs, goats and a milk cow, which Ms Glaston described as “an adventure”. Another adventure: Home School for his nine children, aged 2 to 16 years old.

The 36 -year -old Ms Glaston has described herself as a conservative Christian, and voted for Donald Trump in 2016, 2020 and 2024. This time, they did not expect that they would focus on issues that are mostly concerned, including contaminated soil and waterways. , Lobbying through factory -made meat and agricultural corporations.

But when she looks forward to Ms Glaston now, she gets laughing, the main reason is that Mr Trump has nominated Robert F. Kennedy Junior as the head of health and human services. Mr Kennedy faces Senate verification hearings on Wednesday and Thursday.

“It is not often the case that my world, my circle, is in the mainstream,” he said.

Md The inclination was long ago been declared progressive.

In this sense, Mr Kennedy has been speaking his language for years. He has criticized ultrapassed foods, warned of the risks of specific food growth and questioned the protection of fluoride in water supply.

Mr Kennedy’s views about the vaccine have long been jeopardized by healthcare specialists. He has denied that he is against vaccination, styling himself as a protective worker who raises questions about corporate influence on science. But he was skeptical of the Kovide -19 vaccines and acknowledged the Debonic theory that the vaccine could cause autism. In the exhibition of the podcast in 2023, he said that polio vaccine caused cancer due to polio “many, many, many, many, many, many,” he said. In December, he said he was “all for the polio vaccine.”

But in the mothers of domestic schools like Ms Glaston, Mr Kennedy has long been seen as a bold truthful speaker, who understands their doubts about education and health institutions, including traditional vaccine regime. – And his emerging profile has come to light as this particular circle is also coming to its own political and culturally.

“They have been saying that parents like me have been thinking for a long time.” In the world, he is very well known and loved. “

When the son of Melissa Cybery, who was now 22 years old, was only a few weeks old and was breastfeeding, she began to show symptoms that she felt like an allergic reaction after eating corn or milk. It was The pediatrician said that he could not be allergic to food at such a young age, he remembered, and suggested antibiotics. Months later, when he called for testing, her baby was diagnosed with numerous food allergies.

“As a mother, it was my first lesson that I need to follow my intestines,” he said. “God gave me a mind and gave me to take care of this baby.”

For Ms Kybery, who lives in Washington State, making her two children a domestic school was a natural extension of the pharmaceutical industry, medical schools and health agencies in Washington, and most of the decision to eat with research contacts.

During the Corona virus epidemic diseases, when she lived in Oklahoma, she joined politics and joined a “health and parental rights” group that lobbies on issues like vaccine mandate for schoolchildren.

Ms Kyrbbatri has followed Mr Kennedy for many years. He said that many people in his network saw him as he sees Mr. Trump: whose wealth and influence allows him to speak the truth, regardless of who he Angry

“Finally, there is a bull in a Chinese shop,” he said.

Mr Kennedy chose a platform for the president to “make the United States healthy again”, which Mr Trump had adopted in August when he joined the forces. The slogan includes a clean but electoral agenda that aims to prevent more treatment from treatment. Many supporters consider the opposite of the approach that has been running in recent decades through corporate interests. Online, home schooling mothers and other “Crunchy moms” use the #Maha hash tag to share their enthusiasm for Mr Kennedy’s vision.

Home schooling spread dramatically during pandemic illnesses as many American health skills are increasing. And even when the classroom returns to normal, the number of families of domestic schools continues to increase. Of the 21 states, who have reported data to the Home School Research Lab from the Johns Hopkins School of Education from the academic year of 2023-24, 19 reported more domestic school children than before the year.

Parents’ motivation to choose public schools is widely different, as they have religious and political beliefs. For many people, including conservatives, questioning traditional schools often raises doubts about other institutions.

“If you are enough anti -cultural culture to handle the hardships of domestic schools, and to take the risk of being a social anti -social, likely to be more pleased to be open for other forms of anti -culturalism. Yes. ” The conservative author, wrote in an email.

Mr Direhar reported the trend in a core story in a core story in the early 2000s called “Crunchy Conservatives”, which later became his first book. At that time, he was writing about a sub -culture – and a part of it, which even many conservative Christians were unaware.

Since then, the “crunchy” has gone into the mainstream within conservatism.

Joel Silatin, a self -styled “Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist, has been a conservative for decades. In books and articles, he gave a good news about running a form about his life and making his children a domestic school.

In the 1990s, he said, the liberals-“trees who embrace, land muffins, green ventures”-most were the ones who visited their farm. Now, conservatives are showing in large numbers. He said he wanted to “disclose”, he made the most dominant institutions of the society, including public schools, large -scale agriculture and mainstream medicine.

He said, “I feel like Cinderella – I have come back to ashes forever, and suddenly we are being asked to dance on the ball.” “This is just as a cultural change as I have seen in my life.”

There were false rumors that Mr Salatin was joining the Trump administration. But today, Mr. Kennedy is the flag of Krichi Conservatives. With his vaccine and his emphasis on food, he is seen as a supporter of the mothers.

He often shares a reference to Mr Kennedy: “A child full of corruption and the last thing between the industry is a mother.”

In a small town in New Mexico, 37 -year -old Hannah Berla took his two old children in domestic schools, where the family raised poultry and ducks. Reading about birth methods and vaccine schedules began on the thing that described it as a “journey in the Maha movement”.

He said, “Many people say, ‘You don’t know who you are talking about – you are just a mother.” But Mr Kennedy has always been a “really strong lawyer to listen to mothers”.

A week before Christmas, Ms Glaston gathered with a few friends at the New Life Bible Church in Genins Will. The church has become a magnet for families of domestic schools in most rural community. Of 80 or more children who regularly participate in services – many of which were running through the hallways or playing on the swing set – women can think of only one in traditional school Were getting admission.

The life here is connected to each other. Most families have made sacrifices to live on an income. Women for chicken broth, refreshing eggs, sausage for sausage and honey for smashed bread. Men help each other with domestic repairs and small construction projects.

They had a clear confidence in what they saw as a future: with a pesticide and chemicals, with no vaccine mandate for their children.

“Parents are awake,” said Ms Glaston. “Rebel things are starting to normalize.”

Audio developed Sarah Diamond.

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