Pope Francis greets crowds in Rome before discharge from hospital | Pope Francis

Pope Francis welcomed a large crowd of pilgrims outside Rome’s Gameli Hospital for more than five weeks before leaving the hospital on Sunday.

Pontuff, which is recovering from pneumonia in both lungs, gave a brief greeting and blessing from the balcony of his hospital room shortly after the release of his Sunday Angeles text.

88 -year -old Francis told the crowd, “Thank you everyone”. He then dispatched Casa Santa Marta’s home in the Vatican city, where he would fight her for at least two months.

“Our Pope is returning,” a pilgrimage told Rai News.

Sergio Alfiri, a general of Gameli Hospital, on Saturday, Francis’s health, which was admitted to the hospital on February 14, was subsequently diagnosed with respiratory tract infections and double pneumonia. However, it will still be “a lot of time” to recover its body completely.

Francis suffered two critical breathing crises in the hospital before the announcement of her doctors on March 10, that she is no longer in danger.

In the angel, the Pope considered his “long -term” hospital. “I have had the opportunity to experience the patience of the Lord, which I am reflected in the care and hopes of the sick, as well as the careful care of doctors and health care workers,” he said. “This reliable patience, which is anchor in God’s unpleasant love, is really essential in our lives, especially when facing extremely difficult and painful situations.”

He expressed his grief over Israel’s renewed bombing on the Gaza Strip and “demanded the courage to immediately stop the weapons and resume dialogue, so that all hostages could be issued and a final ceasefire,” and prayed to the people for peace, peace, peace, peace, and peace. Go.

La Republica reported that Francis had insisted that he would return home, where he would need to continue his recovery and rest. “Hopefully he will be able to resume work schedule soon,” said Alfrey. However, he warned that the Pope would not immediately meet people’s groups. It is not yet clear if scheduled on April 8 will be the audience with King Charles and Queen Kimla.

Despite his health challenges, Francis continued to guide the Vatican from his hospital room for a few days, including approval of individuals for St. Hood and writing a letter to the editor of the Corrie Dela Sierra newspaper, which reaffirmed the appeal for peace and weapons.

Francis suffers from a lung infection because he developed a plorecy as a young adult and participated in a lungs, training to become a priest in his hometown of Argentina.

In recent years, his health has deteriorated and if poor health prevents him from doing his work, he often indicates resignation.

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Petro Pirulin strictly excluded speculation about a resignation last week.

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