On March 11, 2025, Philippine officials are working on one Apprehension Warrant That the ICC issued and sent to Interpol, Catch In Manila. The ICC demanded the arrest of Dwarta Crimes against humanity Charge in connection with the alleged illegal killings between 2011 and 2019.
“The arrest of former president Dortay and transfer to the Hague,” said Bruni Lao, director of Human Rights Watch, a long -term victory that can bring the victims and their families closer to justice. ” “This important event sends a message to human rights abusers everywhere that they can one day be accounted for.”
The arrest warrants against Daworte have been charged with illegal deaths during their years as Mayor of Dao City, and after becoming president in 2016, “a war on drugs” across the country.
According to police data, more than 6,000 Philippines were killed in the “drug war”, mostly poor people in urban areas. Human rights groups in the Philippines claim that the number is more than 30,000 people. Many children were among those who suffered from the harmful consequences of the Dotra’s anti -drug campaign.
Filipino National Police officers or their agents raided the houses without any warrant at night, arrested the suspects and then executed them, and frequently took evidence to justify their actions. A very few cases of thousands of cases have been investigated or legalized against Only four cases As a result of the punishment, all the lowly police officers for immoral casualties.
Massive violence indicated the ICC office to the Prosecutor’s office to open a preliminary examination on the Philippine situation, which forced the then President Dorties to withdraw the Philippines from the law of the ICC, Rome Law in March 2018. The evacuation took place a year later. Under Rome’s law, the ICC maintains jurisdiction about crimes before withdrawal. Former ICC prosecutor Fatu Bansoda announced the inauguration of a formal investigation in 2021.
In recent years, the Philippines government has been Moved his position On the ICC investigation. Initially, the Marcos administration, which took power in 2022, challenged the court’s jurisdiction over alleged crimes. after A To fall politically In 2024, between Marcos and Dortial Camps, the Marcos administration terminated its rhetoric on the ICC and said in November that this would happen. Work with InterpolInternational Criminal Police Organization, if the arrest warrant was issued.
Human Rights Watch said that at a time when some governments are attacked by the ICC, recently, US President Donald Trump’s court’s decision to approve the prosecutor, the arrest of the Dort and his transfer to the Hague confirms the confession of the court.
President Marcos now wants to take further steps to deal with human rights abuses in the Philippines. , Including recent illegal killings and attacks against workers and civil society groups. Should also the Philippines government ICC I re -joinA step that increased number of Philippines Supportive.
“President Marcos has begun eliminating a long -standing immunity for drug -related casualties in the Philippines, Lao said. “He should recover the orders of the Dawort that eliminated the ‘war against drugs’, and the Philippine police reforms should be preferred.”