People need to develop a taste for Pakistani hiphop music, says Babar Mangi – Culture

“Someone asked me what was the benefit of the poetry of the fool when no one understood today. I told him that I would not blame the deceased for the ignorance of the people, “Actor and musical composer Irshad Mehmood on Sunday’s panel related to the appearance of Urdu rap at the Karachi Literature Festival (KLF) on Sunday. Said during

The panel included Sindhi rapper Babar Mangi, emerging rapper Ash Rohan, and Mahmud. He also promised to present rapper Frees Shafi, which was no show.

Anushi Ashraf has discovered many topics in moderate, one hour long session, including the growing popularity of rap in Pakistan, its role in resistance, it is examined by old listeners and this space. How to finish.

The session, despite being well disconnected, left a lot to be required in terms of this topic, namely the “emergence of Urdu rap” itself. But Mangi, Rohan and Mahmud presented an interesting point to the audience wishing to learn about rap history and this genre in Pakistan.

Mangi said of this genre’s ability and his ability that an artist has been told about this ability to express, entertain, resist and empower it.

When asked about criticism by older people, he refused to accept it as a form of music, Mangi said, “People believe that there is no rap in rap, while more Time, we print two to three notes. It does not mean that it is not a song.

Mahmud, who said he would not prefer to listen to rap, added, “I just feel young, what I have heard, a lot to say but they lack words. . They need to be able to express themselves better because the rapers, before, are the poets. Bozorg (Elderly), I want to ask Babar and Ash to make him more meaningful.

When Ashraf intervened, he suggests that rapers can also make music that was lightly heartbroken, Mahmud urged him to make light -hearted, meaningful songs. He added, “I could sit here and refer to the bully, or I could tell a light heart,” he added, adding that before breaking a joke, he left the audience fit. He pointed out, “There was a message despite being a joke, ridiculous.”

‘II’ singer Mangi assured the audience that Pakistani hip shop music today is much better than before. “The way people need good food but they make their time to prepare its taste, they need good music. Today, hip shop music is much better than before, because people haven’t heard it enough. When they hear more about it, they will prepare a taste for it and it will be ready.

Ashraf remembered a time when people used to ask Anjum and Tala Younis, the locksmith of young stoners for their choice in music. Today, the former has obtained the crown of ‘Mr. Most Streaming’ in Pakistan, while the hip shop music is present everywhere.

He then asked Rohan how he believed that the elderly listeners could be introduced in such a way that they could better understand it. “We can fuse rap with qawwali or classical music,” he said. “And make people sad,” Ashraf said.

“Qawwali Purest will not accept it,” Mangi said. Ashraf added, “But if it is good, people will appreciate it.” “Some would like it, nothing. But this is definitely a way to introduce a rap to a new audience.

“Even advertisers are adopting rap music in Pakistan, its popularity has increased,” Mahmood said. “So, okay. Just because white shirts are the most sold shirts there, this does not mean that people stop making colorful shirts. So rap music can be present and lonely, so classical music, and both can be listeners.

Mangi said, when asked about the hip shop music in Pakistan often because of its language, Mangi said, “But sending curses and taking oath is not the standard. As a human being, he will talk [It depends on the person].

Mangi also revealed that he was still looking for his voice and is currently working on a 12 song album. “Each song of this album is different,” Coke Studio 15 Artist.

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