Pakistan’s special envoy to Afghanistan, Ambassador Mohammad Sadiq Khan, said on Sunday that peace and progress in Afghanistan is essential for regional stability.
Speaking as a guest honor for the flag ceremony at the Pakistani Embassy in Kabul, Pakistan emphasized that the economic interests of their country and Afghanistan are linked to each other.
Earlier, the envoy met with Afghan Foreign Minister Maulvi Aamir Khan Mataki in Kabul, where he pledged to maintain his diplomatic engagement to tackle the ongoing challenges, including trade, security and the ongoing challenges, including Afghan refugees in Pakistan.
“Pakistan and Afghanistan have to harmonize their efforts to promote regional economic development,” he said, adding that neighboring country “is one of Pakistan’s most important regional partners.”
A significant development in trade relations is to reopen the Turkham Border after 27 days of closure. The crossing was closed on February 21 due to a dispute over construction activities and was reopened after a mediation negotiation by Jarga.
Currently, the border is operating under temporary arrangements till April 15, with ongoing talks for long -term solutions. Islamabad has expressed hope that a permanent agreement will be signed before the expiry of the current mechanism.
Khan highlighted, “The two countries should work together to enhance bilateral trade and promote regional relations.”
He also said that the country was committed to promoting strong and mutual relations with Afghanistan.
In his remarks, the head of Pakistan’s Mission Ambassador Obaid -ur -Rehman Nizmani called for respecting the sacrifices of the armed forces and renewing the pledge to work to a strong and prosperous Pakistan.
He emphasized the need to resurrect the country’s flexibility to overcome all internal and external challenges.