Pakistan’s ranking on corruption perception index slides 2 spots: Transparency International – Pakistan

On the ranking of Pakistan The concept of corruption index (CPI) In 2024, 2023 decreased from 133 to 2 places, with 2024 out of 180 countries to 135. Report Transparency was released on Tuesday by International.

The CPI has ranked 180 countries and regions through their considered level of corruption in the public sector on a scale of zero (extremely corrupt) (extremely clean)

The CPI report is released every year through the International Berlin. Transparency International Pakistan (TIP) There is no role in collecting data or calculation of the country’s score.

The score for Pakistan also reduced CPI 2023 to 27 in CPI 2024.

According to Retired Justice Zia Pervez of the Tip Chair, the score of all countries of the region besides Oman, China, Turkey and Mongolia refused. The slide below for the region showed that Pakistan was one of the countries that was against the overall trend in the region.

According to the CPI report, the level of global corruption was alarmingly high, which exposed the serious level of corruption worldwide, in which more than two -thirds of countries score less than 50 out of 100.

Improved countries, fall

About 6.8 billion people live in CPI -score countries, under the age of 50 – equivalent to 85 % of the global population of 8bn.

For the seventh consecutive year, Denmark scored the highest score on the Index (90) and followed by Finland (88) and Singapore (84).

The lowest score countries were mostly fragile and affected by conflicts such as South Sudan (8), Somalia (9), Venezuela (10), Syria (12), Libya (13), Eritrea (13), Yemen (13) And Equality Guinea (13).

Although the CPI noted that the average score of the Middle East and North Africa was “the reason for hope”, it pointed out that it was the first increase in a decade and only 39 of the 100 points – to 39.

Countries on CPI 2024 of Transparency International. – Screen Grab from CPI 2024 report
Countries on CPI 2024 of Transparency International. – Screen Grab from CPI 2024 report

According to Transparency International, the high-score region was Western Europe and the European Union, but its score “continuously decreased for the second year-the leaders are serving business interests rather than shared goodness and the laws often Non -satisfactory implementation is implemented. “

He added, “Although many countries have improved in Asia -Pacific, its average score is decreasing, as the devils have increased their numbers on the effects of corruption and climate change.”

More than a quarter of the countries included in the sample (47) still scored its lowest score on the index, including Austria (67), Bangladesh (23), Brazil (34), Cuba (41), France (France ( 67), Germany (75). ), Haiti (16), Hungary (41), Iran (23), Mexico (26), Russia (22), South Sudan (8), Switzerland (81), United States (65) and Venezuela (10).

In the past five years, seven countries have made significant improvement in their scores in the index: they include coat de -iwire (45), Dominican Republic (36), Kosovo (44), Kuwait (46), Maldives (38), Yes. Moldova (43) and Zambia (39).

At the same time, 13 countries have seen a significant decline in their score in the index in the last five years.

Important declined Austria (67), Belarus (33), Belgium (69), El Salvador (30), France (67), Kyrgyzstan (25), Lebanon (22), Myanmar (16), Nicaragua (14), Nicaragua (14), were. Russia (22), Sri Lanka (32), Britain (71), and Venezuela (10).

Countries with significant improvement or reduction in CPI 2024 of the International International. – Screen Grab from CPI 2024 report

Global warming and extreme climatic events, the end of democracy and the reduction of global climate, are against the ropes of the world in its fight against the climate crisis. Corruption was making this fight very difficult, and the international community will have to resolve relations between corruption and climate crisis.

Transparency International’s Chair, Francois Velveerian said: “Corruption is a developing global threat that works far more than damaging development – this is an important reason for democracy, instability and falling human rights abuses.

“The international community and every nation will have to make corruption a high and long -term priority. It is very important to overthrow dictatorship and to secure a peaceful, free and sustainable world. The concept of this year’s corruption. The dangerous trends revealed in the index has now highlighted the need to act with concrete action to tackle global corruption.

The report states that “corruption weakens the structure of governance, harasses law enforcement agencies and turns important climate finances, which aims to reduce emissions and create resilience.” “

He warned that “without the effect of global climate agreements such as the Paris Agreement, this is a threat, without strong national anti -corruption measures.

“Today, corrupt forces not only take shapes, but often order policies and eliminate checks and balance,” said Mara Martini, the international chief executive officer of transparency.

The CPI has highlighted billions of dollars of climate funds that are in danger of being stolen or misused. Most countries, which are at high risk for scoring less than 50 climate change on CPI.

A large number of people are in danger of impartially because corruption is damaging climate projects aimed at protecting them. This highlights the need for strong transparency and accountability measures to ensure effective use of these funds.

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