To the editor:
Again “Democrats How Noblils themselves,” Through Doug Susank (Roy’s Guest Subject, 1st February):
Mr Susank claims that the Democrats focused heavily on the special interest groups of the “elite” and failed to overcome the disappointments of the voters about the economy and crime. He then listens back 30 years ago and offers President Bill Clinton’s success to avoid “divisive social issues”.
This looks at the fact: Mr. Clinton bowed to the right -wing messaging, which accepted the idea of ​​a burden white taxpayers and colored sacrifices, which resulted in mass imprisonment and a weak Policies like social safety network were created. Today, the Republicans have recycled the same playbox, this time by making the DEI’s actions a devil and the “awake” workers have been blamed for all social issues and economic problems as a modern -day villain. –
Mr Susank dismissed Social Justice, LGBT Q+ Rights, Environmental Protection and Labor Protection Lawyers as “the elite’s outsiders” as a dismissal. These groups are not elites, as Mr. Susank has said. They are working people who are fighting to eliminate the main causes of economic insecurity and widespread economic inequality – and protect our planet. The price to silence them will be the cost.
Genius Rochel Robinson
To the editor:
Please do not blame the Democrats’ situation on the failure of the messaging. As any communication professionals will tell you, organizations need to decide whether experts can find out how much they stand for them and suggest their value before they are. Best the best broadcast so they resonate with the audience. And that can’t be just, “We’re not like that.”
Democrats are a lot of communication and media relationship experts, including me, worried about what’s happening and ready to help you create your messaging. But you need to know what we want to say before we help. The only conversation is “What is our message?” Need to be more than.
Keith Berman
To the editor:
As a former senior adviser to President Bill Clinton, Doug Susank may be forgiven for failing to pull the solid line that directly withdraws Mr. Clinton’s failures directly from Democrats 2024 losses more than 30 years ago Goes “Weaken social safety network and dangerous, Wall Street’s favorite economic policies.
But the long -term compatibility of the Democratic Party and their biggest failure to survive their biggest failure was their “smart” boys (and their policies) to abandon the Blue Caller America who knew better than those whose They tried to govern.
In 2024, Democrats saw many Americans voting as voting in favor of open borders, demand for abortion and taxpayers for illegal immigrants. Party Edmund had forgotten the wisdom of belief in the additional change of Burke. When trying to make Rainbow America, “Dance with you” means don’t forget Blue Collar America.
David E Wan Idestrine
Los Angeles
To the editor:
Again “for Democrats, Alliance is absent against Trump” (Page first, February 3):
Democrats are now disagreeing with how to respond to President Trump’s daily provocative actions and comments. One camp wants to attack aggressively, and the other wants a more measured approach.
As a retired lawyer for dealing with my entire career dispute resolution, I am in another camp. Mr Trump’s behavior and actions are inhuman, cruel, illegal, injustice and the majority of Americans’ beliefs. We need to experience the country and hurt the country in the short term to make it clear why it is so incompetent for the post.
If we are very aggressive, we will be seen as a barrier and try to thwart the will of the people who chose it. Let Mr. Trump be hoisted on his own Petard, and hopefully the country will be HIS to save his senses over time.
Richard Gotz
Dealry Beach, Fall.
To the editor:
If the Democrats want a coalition, the tax change in favor of the working people, how, how, how, how?
Donald Trump’s first term was a huge tax tax in the tax tax that went primarily to the most rural and corporations. This includes the largest corporate tax deduction in US history – from 35 % to 21 %.
Democrats should unite around helping people working quickly and directly by reducing their taxes and renewing Mr Trump’s previous tax deductions. Putting more money into the pockets of struggling people means that the amount will be spent rapidly, which will increase economic activity, including corporate sales and profits and will probably receive their services. –
For workers, tax deductions will begin to compete with more than 40 tax deductions for corporations and wealthy who have been expanding income and wealth inequality.
Richard Barnati
Western Springs, sick.
Ashilel’s challenges
To the editor:
Again “Pulki Ashile Restaurant rises above flood” (Food, January 29):
Thanks to your story about Ashwil’s restaurant and their challenges after Hurricane Helen. Tourism is less than 57 %, and locally -owned businesses are struggling to stay open. In addition to just bringing tourism back, it is important that our reconstruction is done through a cautious lens of the vision of destruction.
In 2017, the North Carolina legislature weakened environmental protection. Helen has changed the geological shapes, clean structures and our floods, as well as our rivers.
Ashwil has been considered as a “climate shelter” protected from climate change, and our population has increased. But development on the edge of the steep and rivers has proved destructive. Extreme weather is expected with excess frequency, and sanctions should be imposed in sensitive areas that are repeatedly devastated.
Climate refugees need to know this Over 187,000 acres Out of our healthy forests, match sticks have been installed in western North Carolina, and our summer drought will increase the risk of forest fires. Our community needs to support a vision for rebuilding through protection and respecting our critical ecosystem. Before we eat, we have to put a table.
Kali Warner
Ashil, NC
Mental health intervention can save lives
To the editor:
Again “The voices in his head keep returning. Then a boy was killed “(News Article, January 23):
When someone suffers from a crisis, this tragedy indicates the devastating consequences of failing to intervene quickly and effectively. The right help may have stopped these results at the right time.
Just the medicine is not enough. Effective care should solve the whole person, including their mental health, housing, food insecurity, social support and other important needs. A vast array of proven intervention that is flexible with people’s unique conditions can strengthen life. We also know that providing these services quickly is much more cost -effective unless there is a crisis.
Waldo Mijia, who is a mentally ill man who has been accused of hitting a 14 -year -old bronze boy, will still not get the support he needs in jail, and now we They will just take legal action and imprison it. Meaning, more than the cost of precautionary interference.
When we fail to act, the tragedy is often. Now is the time that we prefer early, designed services that can prevent such tragedies.
Judy Roden
Author is the Executive Director and CEO of the Institute for Community Living.