Opinion | France Is in a Deep, Deep Hole

In a year in France, the fourth Prime Minister of France, Francois Bero, knew that he had a problem. In that Opening speech In December, he acknowledged “all kinds of difficulties”: a debt mountain, political dispute and dangerous, “self -society is separated.”

So far, he has at least succeeded in holding the government simultaneously. More than 6 % of the total domestic products were handed over to reduce the deficit, Mr Bayero cleared up a major barrier last week. After a lot of roam, he gained the backing of the country’s strong parliament for the budget, surviving the vote of confidence. The feeling of relief in the government camp is clear.

But it is not wrong to talk about Mr Bayero’s dangers. In France, the error is all four: in A recent survey87 % of the respondents agreed that the country was in a fall. This story is often told in the language of a cultural threat and a war of culture, which has been raised by recent conflicts in France’s overseas areas. Through a growing Fox News style conservative media, insecurity, immigration and all three of Islam fueled a growing call to defend the besieged French identity. Even the Central Mr. Bayero also talks about the feeling of “Drowning.

This error also stands in economic problems, from energy prices to inflation and less investment to weakened Flagger Industrial. But there is another main reason for this: the citizens falling into the state. Many French social models, which are a after -war product, is the founder of the state -led investment, welfare concerns and labor rights, the founder. Its slow Capecell has put France into a deep hole where there is no easy way – and it has been given an important opportunity.

It has been a long -term process. While pandemic diseases increased the definition of medical professionals, Survey Show That most French people think that public services, especially the hospital, are performing poorly. The institutions they say Trust the most There are small and medium -sized businesses, the army and the police. Services and infrastructure that suffer from under -investment – have nothing to say about political helplessness in Paris – it’s easy to see.

It is not just that of President Emmanuel Macron. For decades, both the right and the center have oversee the fall of the French social model. Pressure to invest more on privatization and services led to a desert for school and hospital management, even politicians blame for slow and anxiety for overcoming the existing services. Are loud Calls 35 hours of abandonment-especially in the private sector, already a fiction for many.

Some leaders have justified this process in the language of the Rebooted Meritiusi – that in the sentence of former President Nicholas Sarkozy, people, “should work more to earn more.” Still if most French people Believe There should be hard work, increasing wages and long -lasting lives have removed this desire. This frustrated promise of merit Christie stimulates all kinds of complaints, from anti -immigration sentiment to protest against the increase in fuel tax.

At the same place, the right national rally of Marine Le Pen comes. The party is often considered stereotype as a “left behind” industrial worker’s protest, but its appeal is Too wide. Although the party is still on the left -wing path in very low salaries, its electoral aid has been deep in the middle class in recent years. Given that Ms Le Pen has inherited the leadership of her billionaire father, the party will probably not seem to be an ideal champion of Merit’s Christie. Still, this promise is to restore the value of the individual effort, today is its pitch.

Ms Le Pen is often cast as the protector of the old French social model, and it is true that her party opposed Mr Macron’s retirement age. Nevertheless, they usually take a more ambiguous position on welfare supply, as their priority for the pension system more dependent than the individual employees’ contribution. His party Channels The dissatisfaction of many late career employees forced more work, to ensure, but also to the young voters who have doubts about payment in a system that may not reward them. – With the logic of the same balance, the party oppose budget cuts, while also standing against the tax increase for consumers and households.

The party’s signature move has to cast ethnic minorities, immigrants and unsafe poor as a special drain on resources. Researchers say supporters of Ms Lee Pen have been sought for fear of such a population Felician Instant And Wyline GerardThe interesting thing is that – they are not in favor of supporting welfare for whites. In fact, they rapidly identify with the values ​​of self -reliance and home ownership. This is the old memories of low honey for the “golden age” after the war after the 21st century of individual sovereignty. It calls for a harsh call to order, even for someone else.

In most parts of France, the rise of Ms Lee Pan is the cause of its own frustration. His vote rating for the next presidential election, in 2027, is about 35 35 %. Given the French -scattered party system, they are on the way to winning the first round for any candidate in the last half century. In the last summer parliamentary elections, the so -called Republican Front of the left and centerist voters surpassed his party’s expected victory. Still, right -wing risk warnings are securing a diminishing return.

Perhaps France is not moving towards destruction. For its recent problems, it is far from the Greek -style sovereign debt crisis. If borrowing has increased rapidly, the country is in Exceeded limit. The European Union’s deficit limits without endangering most of the economic malfunction of the last quarter century. Production capacity And The earnings of the worker The neighbor is much better than Italy. Social movement is not particularly strong, but wages are inequality Was the tendency to fall In recent decades. Even the victory of Ms Le Pen has been barely assured. A case of an embodiment can soon see it Prevention From running for the office.

Nevertheless, French disorders are not just a produce of highly heat culture or political memories, such as Mr Macron’s call for a call for Snap elections last summer. The national rally is exploiting deep distrust with the public circle, as the outstanding elements of the post -war social compact jar with the growing mood of salvation. In some fields, trade unions and social movements strongly defend the rights of welfare and laborers. But it is less clear that the left -wing parties, who today command a third of the voters, can rebuild the wider consensus around more collective models.

This is not the only plan in doubt. Mr Macron began his presidency, promising to rally both the left and right behind the modern, liberal agenda. Nevertheless, the result of its support has increased, the result of a reduction in social reservations without offering tax intervals for the rich without a reduction in social reservations and debt burden without any public purchase. Its presidency revolves around the one who has been declared A “Bourgeois block“Appealing to a piece of wealthy voters but failed to offer more for the majority. The exhaustion of this strategy, and the political piece of this, can indicate the Snap elections with the summer.

French very right -handed patron, Jane Mary Lee Pan passed away last month. Still while the Kidore is located in the ground, to the paraphrosis Victor HugoIdeas stand on their feet. France is in a confusion – and is time to prevent Mr Lee Pan’s heirs from taking advantage of.

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