Opinion | Elon Musk’s Bizarre, Frightening Obsession With Britain

The newly elected Prime Minister, Kerr Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd Call Mr. Musk. Mr Starr said at the time, “For big social media companies and those who run,” violent disorders, clearly whipped online, is also a crime. “Mr. Musk bailed. He made remarks of” madness “and just did the alias in the next weeks.”Two -tier kir“-A reference to the theory that there is a” two-level “policing system in the UK, in which white people are punished more severely than minority groups. He even shared a fake heading (then deleted), claiming that Mr. Starr’s government was building. “Emergency custody camps“For rioters.

Since the summer, comments about Mr Musk’s country have increased even more. In September, he lies Accused Star government to release Pedo Philus sentenced to jail in Facebook positions. He has repeatedly achieved success because of her Tommy RobinsonAn right -wing, anti -British worker who is currently in prison for repeatedly breaking the order. During a posting offer in early January, Mr Musk demanded to become government minister PrisonFor, for, New elections To abolish the prime minister and to “be accused of being involved in”Britain’s rape.

All these may be an attempt to remove the role of X in summer riots, for which legislators intend Ask for it Witness to the British Parliament. Something is there Surprised Whether it was suffering from her sleep habits: Data Compiled by a economist At his posting hours it is suggested that he sleeps for only a few hours at night – that is, when the British news cycle begins, he is awake and online. The most compelling explanation, though, is ideological.

Mr Musk focused on immigration, free speech, rules and crimes in his posts. On these issues, Britain’s left -wing government appears to be Anathima. And not just for it. For people around Donald Trump, the UK is one “Country that is being destroyed“” As Curry Lake put it on, or first “Really Islamist country“With nuclear weapons, as JD Venus has made a strange claim. US conservatives have often used this kind of apocalyptic language about countries like Venezuela. But Mr. Musk is now trying to convert Britain – one of the closest allies in the United States – to his new opponent.

Most content for this story comes from the UK only. Since the conservatives suffered a defeat last summer, the inaccessible right -wing people have demanded a relief to their country to talk to the American audience in a trash. Former secretary, Sola Breverman, insists that the UK has A “.Crazy Awakening virus” – The language is in favor of Ron Dysntis. Former Prime Minister Liz Trans, who appeared in it Republican National CongressOn, on Fox News And along with Steve Benn, rails against the shade “Deep condition“The forces that probably end its 49 -day term.

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