OBITUARY: Karim Aga Khan — Imam of the atomic age – Newspaper

Shah Karim al -Husseini, who is known as the world as Aadha Khan, was a prince without a physical circle. Yet he mixed with kings and presidents, and allegedly monitored billions of dollars.

Prince Karim, who died on Tuesday at the age of 88, was the 49th hereditary Imam of the Ismaili Muslims, and the fourth was the title of Aga Khan. As the Ismaili Imam, in his about 68 68 years, he worked for the socio -economic development of his flock as well as for the major communities where the Ismailis could be found.

Prince Karim was a man in the modern world claiming to be descended from the Ismaili imams who were separated from the mainstream in the eighth century.

Born in Geneva in 1936, Prince Karim assumed the guidance of the people at the age of 20 in 1957, when he was declared the heir of his grandfather, Sir Sultan Mohammed Shah, Agha Khan III. Both his father, Prince Eli and his uncle Sadruddin were ignored by his grandfather and Prince Karim, who was described as a “beautiful young Harvard man” in an article in the 1960s Time Magazine, millions of Ismaili loyalists. Become the leader. He will end his education in Harvard (getting BA Honors in Islamic history) after becoming an Imam. Talking to the Vanity Fair in 2013, he called his grandfather’s Mental “a shock”.

Ancient roots, modern views

Although the Ismaili Amam has been withdrawn for 13 centuries, both titles ‘Prince’ and ‘Aga Khan’ in their name can go by the middle of the 19th century, before Prince Karim’s Iranian future citizens move to the subcontinent. Leave his homeland for. His grandfather, Grandpa, Hassan Ali Shah Mahalati, the 46th Nizari Ismaili Imam, was the first to win the honor of Aga Khan. Iran’s Qajar King Fateh Ali Shah gave him this honor. Shah also married his daughter Hassan Ali Shah, then linked the Ismaili religious leaders to the Qajar Royal House, and took them the title of ‘Prince’. Hassan Ali Shah will leave Iran to the subcontinent in 1844, Bombay, who was now settled in Mumbai, permanently in 1852.

A global party

Prince Karim, who is known as ‘their greatness’, or more respected ‘Moulana Hazir Imam’, lay the mission of his grandfather, Aware Khan III, to modernize his dead (followers) Continue the mission. World According to social sources, there is a number of 12 to 15 million people, living in a wide geographical area.

From Central Asia’s Pamiris to the coastal cities of East Africa, Nazari Ismailis have maintained communities in these places for decades, not for centuries. There are certainly POP population parties in the subcontinent, including the subcontinent, where members of the party can meet in Karachi and the coastal cities of Sindh, Gwadar, Chitral and Hanza. Moreover, new parties have rooted where South Asian immigrant communities can be found in the ‘New World’, for example in the great metropolies of the United States and Canada.

On August 11, 1998, Aga Khan saluted South African President Nelson Mandela in Mapoto, Mozambique. Courtesy / Akdn

Karim Agha Khan’s link with Pakistan was strong. For example, a high hospital in Karachi, which was established in 1983, is currently named, while the Aga Khan University Education Board, which started in 2003, offers qualifications to the intermediate level. He visited the country on several occasions and various organizations associated with it are active in Pakistan, especially in health, education and social economic sectors.

Socio -economic impact

For Karim Agha Khan’s own followers as well as other communities, a major focus was on health, education and socio -economic development around the world. It established a web of agencies and organizations that implemented their vision for human development.

These include AGA Khan Foundation, AGA Khan Development Network and AGA Khan Trust for Culture.

AKU maintains campus in Pakistan, East Africa and the UK, while the Institute of Ismaili studies under the Prince Cream Watch was established in London in 1997. In addition, the Institute for the Studies for Muslim Civilizations was founded by the AKU in 2002, while Central Asia was established in 2002, along with campus in the former Soviet Central Asian states, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

Another achievements of Prince Cream had to adopt the constitution for his community in 1986. His grandfather started the effort in 1905 by giving a similar document to his followers in East Africa. But the Constitution of the Prince Karim had to apply to his dead around the world. .

Karim Agha Khan also monitored a wide portfolio, which included his own personal wealth as well as the funds dedicated to his party. In fact, a 2013 article in Forbes named him as ‘Venture Capitalist in the Third World’, because it could be called emerging markets. Most of his personal wealth was inherited from his grandfather, while the ‘institutional wealth’ he oversees comes from donations and religious taxes paid by his dead. In addition to his religious funds, he invested in several businesses, including media, hospitality, banking and insurance.

In the realm of culture, Prince Karim’s Aga Khan Trust for Culture supported hundreds of projects around the world. Some prominent rehabilitation projects included the wall of Lahore, the tomb of Humayun in Delhi, as well as the gardens of Babar’s tomb in Kabul.

The late Agha Khan married twice and supported four children: Princess Zahra and Prince Rahim, Hussein and Eli Mohammad. He appeared to be a man of contradictions-a global trumpet elder who was related to the tradition of one of the oldest sects of Islam, who was the ‘Imam of the atom’ for his followers. His successor, Prince Rahim, will be the 50th Nizar Ismaili Imam. There is no doubt that the new ‘Hazir Imam’ will have to guide the flock at even more complex times.

Dawn, appeared on February 6, 2025

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