New ocean slowly forming near Africa


According to scientists, millions of years from now, North Africa can be a new sea home, as the tectonic plates draw along the East African Rift system.

Experts have long known that some parts of the continent are separated by 0.3 inches a year in some places. Volcano and geographical evidence According to experts, one day in Ethiopia and somewhere else in Africa indicates the spread of a rising raft one day, causing a small portion of the continent to separate from most parts of Africa.

“The region is surrounded by the Sea Crisis and the Pacific and the Gulf Eden Centers, which are believed to be the last transfer from continent to the continent from the continent from the continent to the development of real maritime proliferation in the Eastern Gulf of Aden and the Pacific. , “” Scientists wrote in a study of 2024.

What is happening in North Africa to make a new sea?

Scientists are not 100 % sure that a new sea will become, but separating the geographical implications of the plates shows that it is likely. According to scientists, a similar process created a nearby Saudi Arabia.

Scientists use GPS and satellite mapping to find out how Africa’s basic tectonic plates are separating, especially in the region known in the region, in which northern Ethiopia, Djibouti and Eritrea include.

“Geologists believe that, if the spread continues, the three plates found on the edge of the current African continent will be completely separated, which can flood the Indian Ocean in the area and the east corner of Africa (Africa Makes a large island, ” According to Federal Scientists with a US Geological Survey.

Research shows that plates In this area, a measuring bulge and cracks are being created partially through magma, where stones are being separated. According to some studies, other factors are in the game, including the amount of water in the area.

Estimates are likely to have a new sea time between 1 and 20 million years from now. This geological scale is quite sharp, and many scientists are researching the changes that are specifically visible because they are on earth and not under one of the oceans.

Remind me of how plate tectonics works

The Earth on which we stand – the Earth, the planet is not Earth – is known as the tectonic plates on a large scale. Those plates are pulling differently, colliding with each other, or passing horizontally, removing the volcanoes and earthquakes as a sign of movement.

You often find geological properties such as rift values, volcanoes and geyser in these areas where plates are being separated. And found you Mountains where they are coming togetherLike the Himalayas, who was born about 40 to 50 million years ago when Indian and Eurasian Land Mass Mass collided. According to USGS, this collision is still running action: the Himalayas are growing about 0.4 inches annually.

In California, San Andreas Falt is sitting in the middle of North America, which is slipping south, and the Pacific plate, which is slipping north. At some point, experts are afraid, California will face “The Big One”, a devastating earthquake that will lead to widespread destruction in San Francisco, Los Angeles and other areas.

Iceland sits on top of a rift area like North Africa, and it is possible Scuba dive in a lake It is formed between the separated areas.

When was the last time we got a new sea?

Without Dhoom Dham – or Geological Voices – when we last received a new sea in 2021, when the Scientists of the National Geographic Society The Indian Ocean formally recognized Antarctica is surrounded by a separate body of water. American scientists considered it a separate sea for decades, but it took the 2021 identity by society to promote widespread acceptance.

This identity gave it tall like the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian and the Arctic Sea.

Experts say the Indian Ocean was formed about 30 million years ago when Antarctica and South America’s landsmis were separated, causing tight and tight Drakes to be born, where the Atlantic and the Ocean of the Pacific were included. Were

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