NASA engineers are shutting down two devices to ensure that the twin spacecraft, Wigger 1 and Wigger 2, can continue to search for space outside the solar system.
In order to save further energy energy energy, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Mission Engineers disqualified the experience of the Caiter Ray Sub System of Wigger 1 on February 25. On March 24, they will close the low -energy charging particle device on the ship’s ship.
He was launched in 1977 and brought ten devices in the same suit, Wigger 1 and Wigger 2 arrived in the Interteller Space in 2012 and 2018, respectively. It is not surprising that Wigger 1 and Wigger 2 are working to reduce power supply. However, the two spacecraft has traveled the joint 29 Billions of miles away from Earth to become the most human -made things.
Vigor Project Manager at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Suzanne Dodd, “Since the launch, Viagers have been deep space rock stars, and we want to maintain it.” Said in a statement. “But the power power is moving less. If we no longer close a device on every Wigger, they will probably have a few months!”
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Life beyond the system solar
Both Wigger Space Ship has a power system, which is based on generating electricity from the heat eliminated by the elimination of the radioactive oyster of the plutonium.
This radioistopic power system loses Wigger 1 and Wigger 2 to 4 watts of electricity every year. In the 1980s, several equipment aboard the two spacecraft was closed. The reason for this was that the twin children both completed their investigations into the solar system, which promoted the long life of both investigations.
To protect this power, NASA operators closed the plasma science experience of Wigger 2 in October 2024. The purpose of this experiment was to find out how much plasma flows from it and in which direction. In connection with the flow of plasma from the solar system, the Wigger 2 device was collecting limited data from its shutdown before its shutdown.
Wigger 1’s own plasma science device stopped working properly in 1980 and was closed in 2007 to protect power.
Recently, NASA closed Viger 1 Universe Ray Sub System At the end of February. Statistics obtained from the Sweet of three telescopes designed to study the universe rays were necessary in the Viger Science Team’s commitment that Vijar 1 had exited the helicopter, which was the scope of the sun’s influence on the edge of the solar system.
Closing at the end of March is Wigger 2 Low energy charged particle deviceWhose role is to measure the solar system and various ions, electrons and cosmic rays that begin with our galaxy.
“The Wigger spacecraft has pursued its original mission to study the outdoor planets,” said Patrick Cohen, a scientist at the Wigger Program. “Whatever additional figures we have collected, it is not only a precious bonus science for helicopter, but also a covenant of the ideal engineering that has gone to the Viagers – about 50 years ago and continues to this day.”
The fact is that the Wigger Space Ship is the only two human -made items that mean to bring it to interstitial space, which means that the data they collect is unique. In this way, the decision to close any devices on Wigger 1 or Wigger 2 is not taken lightly. Before turning off more devices, the two spacecraft should look for another year of search by closing the two devices.
The two spacecraft have three operational devices, which fall on two in 2026. It is expected that Wigger 1 and Viger 2 will take a operational device to the 2030s. However, unexpected conditions can arise and change these projects.
“Every minute of every day, travelers search for a region where no spacecraft has arrived before,” said JPL Linda Spalkar’s Wigger Project Scientist. “It also means that every day can be our last. But that day can bring another interest.
“So, we’re getting all the stops out, keeping what we can do to ensure what we can do.”
Originally posted Space dot com.