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This is a cosmic contract for a two. NASA’s latest space telescope, designed to find key ingredients for life in the Spirics-Akashinganga-and is going into space based on the sun-based sun.
Both missions lifted both missions on Space X Falcon 9 rockets at the Wandonburg Space Force Base in California at 11.30 pm (8:10 pm PT).
The launch has surfaced after the weather and integration problems – which engineers attached to the rockets and wrapped them inside the safety journey – a series of delays began on February 28 after the window of opportunities.
Although missions have completely different goals, launching cartoon as a secondary ride share with esopharyx helps “gain more science in space for low cost,” said Dr. Nikki Fox, Associate Administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. And it helps that the mission is going to the same place: the orbit of the sun’s harmony around the poles of the earth, which means that each spacecraft holds the same direction. Relatives from the sun throughout the year.
For the history of the universe, spirits, or spectro -photo meters, reunination and ICES Explorer era, its purpose is to highlight how the universe is developed and to find out where the key components of life have begun in cosmos.
Corona and helicopter to unite the cartoon, or polariameter, will study how the sun affects the solar system. The mission will observe the hot outdoor environment of the sun, called corona, and solar air studies, or motivation particles that emerge from the sun in a stream.
Both ground missions promise to reveal our solar system and unknown aspects of the first and unidentified galaxy.
“These mission covers the full breadth of science that NASA does every day,” said Dr. Mark Claimpen, Acting Deputy Associate Administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. “The cartoon … will study in great detail of the sun, while the Asfrex is a survey mission that will scan the entire sky and observe hundreds of millions of stars. So in every minute of the day, the NASA science missions are searching for the universe on various scales so that we really help us understand the universe.
After launching, sperex 404 miles (650 km) will spend more than two years on the ground -to -head -to -day cycle, and will collect data from more than 450 million galaxies. The telescope will also survey more than 100 million stars in our galaxy.
The mapping of galaxies will help scientists understand a cosmic trend in the name of inflation, or will help the universe increase the trillions of trillions. Almost immediately after the bug bang.
Observatory will make the sky map in 102 colors of infrared light, which is hidden to the human eye and ideal for studying stars and galaxies. The telescope will divide the infrared light into individual wavelengths, like a printed. Different colors of light can help scientists uncover the formation of heavenly items by isolating their chemical compounds.
“We are the first mission to see the whole sky in a lot of colors,” said Jamie Bok, Spirits Principal Investigator in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “Whenever astronomers see the sky in a new way, we can expect discoveries.”
The esophagus will also measure the total brightness of the light emitted by all galaxies, among them who are far and woven through other telescopes, they are also far and woven to provide a broader look at all the larger resources of the universe.
One of the main purpose of esophagus is to find evidence of water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other ingredients that are essential for a frozen life in the clouds of gas and dust that gives rise to planets and stars.
In particular, astronomers are desperate to see molecular clouds, or in the giant regions filled with gas and dust, which can include newly created stars. It is likely that these stars will be painted by the discs of the material of the material, which forms the planets. Astronomers believe that ice -linked snow is a place where most water can be found in the universe – and it is likely that water has created the oceans of the earth.
Identifying our galaxy, and their frequent life ingredients will help researchers decide how they can join the newly -forming planets.
The Spirits James will act like a web space telescope partner. Although the web is a targeted telescope, it means that it observes a small area, but in more detail, Spricks are a survey telescope that rapidly observes large parts of the sky. Combining data from both telescopes can connect good details with a large image. If the esopharyx creates something of interest, then the web or the Hubble Space Telescope can zoom on it.
Cartoon The four small suit -case space -sized spacecraft is a point that will spend the next two years around the earth to observe the sun and helicopter, or magnetic fields and the particles of the sun, which extends far beyond Pluto’s orbit.
Each satellite has a camera, which works like a large -scale uninterrupted visual, single, virtual device. The cameras are equipped with polarizing filters, which are like polarized sunshine, which enables them to make maps of features in Corona and solar system.
All four satellites will work together together, 3D observations, where the external environment of the sun becomes solar air to help scientists understand how this process is. The cartoon will also reflect on how the corona and solar air systems affect the rest of the solar system. It will be the first mission to make a picture together by the corona and solar air.
Solar wind as well as solar storms, are also responsible for the space weather that can affect the earth, which produces beautiful and volas near the pole, but also interferes with communication satellites and stimulates the closure of power grids. The measurement of the cartoon will help scientists better understand how the solar storm is formed and ready, which can cause accurate predictions for when space weather can affect the Earth. The cartoon will observe the sun in a significant time during the maximum, or the peak of sun activity during its 11 -year cycle, when more flames and solar storms are expected to occur.
“We hope that what the cartoon will bring in humanity is really capable of seeing, for the first time, where we live within the solar air,” said Colorado’s Bolder, the Southwest Research Institute’s Solar System Science and Exploration Division, the Principal investigator of the cartoon, Craig Deforist.
Like the Asfrex and Web Telescope, Panch NASA’s Parker will be able to work with the solar investigation, which launched in 2018 and recently passed its nearest picture to capture the details of the close -up as well.
“There is an addition to the latest helicoptering in NASA’s fleet, which provides earth -breaking science in every second second of every day,” said Joe West Lake, director of NASA’s Hali Physics Division. “Launching this mission as a rider share reinforces its importance to the nation by improving every pound of launching capacity to maximize the scientific return to the cost of a launch.”