AThe structure on the Grade II list below the Grand Parade of SV West Hop is a crash against the walls of the West Ho Pierre port, the Meron profession refers to the spring 1992 eyes and sounds in the city of Bahak, Besia. He was an ordinary nine -year -old boy, the happiest or he was watching the man, was still at the height of receiving BMX on his birthday months ago. “We became refugees overnight,” he says. “We suffered a genocide in the heart of Europe. You are afraid of your life, you are afraid. It was just destructive. We had to capture everything we could put in a bag and move 700 km [435 miles]. I don’t think I was really aware of what was happening. How can I be?
The profession, his younger sister, Mariella, and his parents, Camel and Marsda fled to Austria via Hungary, eventually reached the beautiful Perteso M. Achnessi after a few days on the road by transporting them in various ways. “And from there, Austria became our second home,” he says.
He enjoyed the career of the amateur game and pursued the administration, which was born in a conspiracy in the Borosia Dartmund of Georgian Klop. “It always felt like they were playing with 13 players.” How is this possible? ‘ ‘The first hour east of Salzburg was a baby’s footsteps coaching in a town east east east, and was moving forward with Karlberg in the last season, causing him to be in the third round for the Europa League in August in August. Was qualifying.
Ralph Rangank, Roger Schmidt, Diego Simone and Oliver Glasner have also been constantly affected. Glasner started his career with Ride, where he also had the first taste of frontline management. Liverpool, host of the Palmut Side Side this Sunday this Sunday in the FA Cup fourth round. Arn Slot is another great inspiration. “Growing up, this scene felt too far away. It was almost untouched. From time to time I can tell my players something from my experience to help and help them. But when they hear my story, they will stand there. Don’t need to cry or feel sorry for me. “
The father of the constant worked as a cleaner as a waiter at his mother, Terrol’s Resort Hotels. He remembers the sacrifice of his parents and the struggle he faces to pay for electricity bills, monthly rent and education fees. The annual festival in Vienna, with the rest of his class, or attending the Vanovic, spreads over his age as he increased.
“But I was pleasant in my childhood, I never realized that I had lost. We moved 13 or 14 times, Marinela and I changed schools 10 or 11 times. We have a nomadic family. It was a life of my parents. Know about this bubble.
Continuous and his family had to start from the beginning. He shared a Pokéock room in Innsbark, in a block with other refugees in Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia and Turkey. “I think keeping the roof on our heads was the cheapest solution for us,” he says, describing a bed, a closet and a sink. “My father slept on the floor so Marinela, my mother and I could sleep [on the bed]. We shared the toilet and the shower with strangers. There was no kitchen to prepare food. I was accustomed to my mother’s cooking: stew, soup, strap. I was accustomed to singing in the shower, just enjoying it. But you couldn’t. “
They went to a bedroom flat. Continuously and her sister slept on the couch in the room. “For us, it was like we had a mansion, a little apartment from a room. But on the first day I was awakened – I have always been an early bird, 6am, 7am – I kitchen the kitchen I saw a cockroach … I would never forget the smell.
It describes the constant interest in geographical political and religion. He is estimated that he has read 150 books on everything from the collapse of the former Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union to China and the history of the United States. He eliminated a long list of former US presidents and is very busy that he may be mooning as a political leader. It has so far finished reading the shadow of Tariq Ali of the pomegranate tree. “It’s about Spanish inquiry,” he says. In the second favorite, Aldfonso Falcons’ Cathedral of the DC and Kite Runner Khalid Hussaini, a story about two young boys from Afghanistan. “I like to understand why the world is thinking, why are the circumstances as if they are in Europe, America, Asia, the Middle East, to add things a bit.”
The main task of the profession is to restore four points under the championship, and protection after Wayne Roni’s success. However, this weekend, the city provides a different opportunity with slot and Liverpool. When I was working in Belgium [at Cercle] I traveled to Rotterdam twice to see the slot’s Finord. I went to see them directly on my days because I think he’s incredible, the full coach.
“In Finord, his team was very dominant in the possession but was very severe. The same is in Liverpool. They do not give you a second to breathe. At one point, everything is broken and everything is broken. This is the moment when they intervene, steal the ball, and then look for one of their forwards to do something special.
He wanders in enthusiasm. In the previous round, Brent Ford was in the stand for a 42-year-old young man to win Palmuta-when the famous coach of the first team was awarded the city’s independence last month, leading the team. Time “I think the people in charge of Argel had to protect me by placing me in a 2500 green army train,” he says with a smile. “They offered me alcohol, vodka, beer, cola, water, donuts … I just accepted the donut.” Until then, he was constantly mastered at his new club. He had completely analyzed the 10 games, diverted the figures, and called the Plemot rating with a detailed offer during a conversation in London.
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No one can prepare the party numbers: No team has recognized more goals in the top four divisions this season, and Palimut has scored 51 points from its last 51 league matches. But the victory against West Brom last weekend ended the 15 game race without a league win, and the profession is determined to avoid going to League One. “It’s a hell of something but it is not impossible,” he says. “I have been pursuing challenges all my life, never running away from things.”
So, then, how do Plemot prepare to host the world’s best team? Three days after defeating Bernley 5-0 in the house, the promotion of the Promotion Chasing, referring to the reaction of his players to get a point in the Sunderland, “with bravery,”. “Otherwise you can’t compete. I am not saying with courage and being brave we are going to dispel the difference between Argel and Liverpool, but you can come closer and make it more competitive. There is nothing to be scared. “
Continuous, whose wife, Einsda, and three children, Benjamin, Lijala and Hamza are in Austria, do not want to waste a moment. His hands are stable, his words are convinced. Even the dead air plays a portion. A clip of constant Stir of Plemot’s squad The first day went viral. He insists that he was not practiced but from his heart. “I think my past describes the person I am today. I am the same coach as I am a person. I can’t even become a coach and another person. I’m not thinking about it [my past] Every single day but is this my drive? Yes, I have it inside my soul, “He taps his chest and says.” I will never forget it. “
Another message sticks. “My father always told me to never go through a closed hand,” he says, clearing his left fist. “It may be that you can protect everything but nothing will come. If your hand is open, you will lose some things but new things will always enter. This is the mindset for Liverpool games. I dreamed of seeing Liverpool in the uniform, but to join the dugout against any of them, and I do not read fantasy.
Outside there is a shine of electricity. “Here my first day was in the sun, but as I signed my deal, it started rain and everything,” he says laughing. This will not refrain from drowning himself in his new environment, he has given his love to the club’s secretary, Zack Newton with the help of “30 Walk in Devon” cards, when he expressed his love from the outside – “I try to escape, hide, breathe,” he says. “In addition to developing a game plan for the next opponent, there are more things in life.”