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Bleeding from heavy or long menstruation is a common experience About 33 33 % of people Which are in the menstruation.
Excessive flow episodes often meet the quality of bleeding from abnormal uterus, a medical condition The vagina is bleeding from During a six -month period, excessive in the amount, period or frequency between or between the menstrual period.
According to the authors of a new study, excessive bleeding and despite its effects on the quality of quality of life, it is bleeding on whether it is bleeding or not, according to the authors of a new research.
According to a report published on Wednesday in the journal Menopos, after experiencing three or more episodes of heavy or longer bleeding within a six -month period, he is associated with the symptoms of fatigue.
According to the authors’ knowledge, this study is about to review over time that pre -suburban and pyraminopasal women have been bleeding for heavy and long periods of time and their fatigue or javernbal is reported.
“Menstruality remains a topic of hidden and prohibited,” said Dr. Seobin Harlu, a professor of epidemic and leading study at the University of Michigan at Michigan University. “Lack of dialogue about menstruation, especially about changes in blood flow when women approach menopause, resulting in lack of information about women.
“It is hoped that these results will encourage further diagnosis of the potential association between menstruation and other symptoms of menopauses such as sleep and other symptoms of academic fog,” Harlow added.
Pyramonopos usually occurs about three to 10 years ago, a day, which is a year without menstruation and indicates the end of a woman’s reproductive life. The interim period is indicated when the ovians stop working slowly Johns Hopkins Madison. During this time, hormones can lead to estrogen and progesterone levels, which causes mood swings, irregular menstrual cycles and other symptoms.
The authors reviewed 2,329 women’s health data, which was 47 years old when they had entered Studying women’s health throughout the nation In 1996 or 1997. Initially and for 10 years in every annual follow -up visit, women answered questions about their diseases, menstrual and medical dates.
Participants also kept a monthly piety in which they were bleeding from two years after the last menstrual period or for 10 years. “Very heavy bleeding” meant that they had to change sanitary products every or two hours a day for more than four hours a day. According to the study, the authors have been bleeding for a long fisherman, which has continued for more than eight days, while bleeding from heavy menstruation means bleeding for three or more days, according to the study.
On the first six trips and on the eighth tour, the team asked Rand four questions and gave participants a sense of tiredness or fatigue 36 Item Short Form Health Survey: In the past four weeks, how long did they feel pus -filled, full of energy, finished or tired?
According to the study, women who have faced at least three episodes in the last six months are likely to feel 62 % more tired and are likely to be 44 % higher. After reporting three or more examples of prolonged bleeding in the last six months, 32 % of the PEP -filled feelings were associated with less difficulties.
“It seems that it would be intuitive that heavy bleeding from menstruation, associated with the symptoms of fatigue,” said Dr. Stephanie Fobin, medical director of the Rajonbus Society, who was not involved in the study. “Surprisingly, we have never really looked at it before, and I finally agree with (authors), where they say that we don’t even ask about bleeding into the menstrual -used menstrual questionnaire.”
“Menurative questionnaires are not designed to cover pyrominopos because, if you are menopauses, you don’t have any blood,” said Fibian, the Mayo Clinic Center for Women’s Health and Bill George Director. “Pyrminopos is just like an undisclosed, less time.”
Dr. Liana Wen, an associate professor of emergency physician and emergency medicine at George Washington University in Washington, DC, said that if half the world’s population is experiencing menopause, it needs more studies at this stage.
Link between fatigue and abnormal bleeding
Heavy and prolonged menstruation can be caused by iron deficiency and iron deficiency due to fatigue and fatigue, which are usually good causes of fatigue and are famous complications of bleeding from abnormal uterine. A small study of August 2016 Black women.
Anemia Have a condition Enoughly carrying oxygen throughout the body is enough red blood cells or hemoglobin (no iron -rich protein that is connected to oxygen). Several common causes Iron deficiency, the preparation of red blood cells requires the loss of other vitamins essential vitamins, and when the blood flows, it causes more blood cells and hemoglobin loss, which can be replaced.
However, the authors did not have blood iron measures, which would help them make a strong case for the link.
For this reason, Fobin is not convinced that Anemia is the only potential culprit, especially “because there is a lot of bleeding in anemia.”
“This is an easy explanation, but is it tied to him (even if people) are not sleeping because they are getting up because they are going to the bathroom and they are bleeding everywhere?” Fobin said. “Another thing is, if you have iron deficiency – which can cause people to lack iron without anemia – you can get anxious leg syndrome, which can disturb your sleep.”
The main author of the study, Harlu, agreed, but added that the team overcome sleep reports.
The authors wrote that the study still revealed that when you review complaints about patients’ fatigue, health professionals should ask them about unusual bleeding and tests for less iron and anemia. Van said that early screening of prolonged and heavy menstruation during the menstrual transfer, should also be considered before possible fatigue notifications.
“The menstruators should document the length of their bicycle, the period of bleeding, and whether it is considered much heavier than ever,” said the van.
Fobin said that if anemia is causing one’s menopause, health providers need to stop bleeding and replace iron, usually to start oral prescription strength iron. The increase in iron levels is the same that helps someone build more red blood cells and rebuild their blood supply.
Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory medicines include common treatment for excessive menstruation, or nsaidsSuch as neoproxin or ibuprofen, and birth -controlled pills, which can Blood flowing about 30 %Fobin added. Hormonal intestinal devices are bleeding anywhere 79 % to 98 %. Fobin said that anxious leg syndrome can also be focused, often by correcting iron deficiency.
Fobin said, “Blood from extraordinary uterine should never be irrelevant,” and it needs to be resolved. Because what we are missing is not only anemia, which can cause fatigue, but it can also be an early warning of cancer.