Maryland researchers study the science behind bird flu and how to stop outbreaks

Scientists at Maryland University are researching science behind Avi influenza, or bird flu.

The best way to stop the outbreak is to understand how the virus changes and spreads, says Dr. Andrew Broadb., a researcher and professor at the University of Maryland.

“We want to see how they are ready, what can they collect changes? How do they affect the copy of the virus?” Broadbant said.

How does the research work

Researchers are using branches to find bird flu answers.

“You can see the blood vessels, the veins, and this shadow itself is fetal, and sometimes it moves,” the broadbean said inspecting a fetal.

Once the tissues are removed from the branches, researchers can form a mini organ, also known as organizations.

“They form these small balls of cells, and those small balls are like a mini -intestine, because the flower birds have intestinal infections,” Broaden said.

Then, by affecting organizations from different viruses, researchers can see science behind what is happening in the fields and use this information to learn what to find and find more permanent solutions.

“The United States has not decided whether they are still droping the chickens against influenza, but if that happens, we need to be prepared to take a new vaccine,” Broaden said.

Researchers are closely watching many stresses, but Broadbant says they intend to take a closer look at the H5, which affects the current tension across the country.

Bird Flu in Ann Arvindal County

Extremely pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza, or Bird Flu, found out The flock of the back in Ann Arvindal CountyAccording to the Agriculture Department of Maryland.

State agriculture officials said All affected areas are quit and birds are being settled to prevent the spread of extreme infectious disease on properties. Officials say the birds will not enter the food system in this flock.

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