“Like water for chocolate,” there has always been a culprit of eating, love and its strength when they are connected to each other.. Now, Salma Hayek Penalt re -imagined Laura Escavil’s 1989 classic as a story of women’s flexibility in comparison to a turbulent political scenario.
Tata de La Garza and Pedro Mosques have a struggle for power among the rich landowners and politicians and their serving people during the forbidden love story. Backroom deals, torture and fear tactics are tools that work in the series to maintain the status quo and achieve their desired results. When the fight for control begins, the country continues, and it takes time to find the desire to love and love the human soul in the show.
Today’s political fluctuations are a mirror of the struggle for this imaginary story. With a second Trump’s period continues And the desire to escape and assure, can now be discovered in a new series Hbo.
The show debuted right after the election day, and I saw it to avoid a new, oppressive truth. I suspect that the topics of feminine survival of this show used to stand in front of me as Trump lost.
I expected half of the modern retailing of the frame for frame of the story of two extraordinary lovers, set up against the background of Mexico’s revolutionary war. Instead, after detecting various ways of Hayek and his team, I discovered different ways to find their strength.
The series became the most watched Latin American content on Max World Wide and joined the top three most viewed series in the platform during its premiere months of November and already for the second season Renewed.
“This second season of the series will complete the story, which will work to act as an essential aspects of Mexican culture, such as magical realism and gastrointestinal tract.” For Latin America and US Spink on the news of the show’s renewal. “These topics are created from a women’s point of view, which reinforces the current relevance of the story about the social and family.”
In a memorable scene, Ezol Gaita, which plays the role of Tata de La Garza – a sweet character is placed in addition to his boyfriend by his mother – the use of his quiet behavior to the revolutionary soldiers to his family. And does the resource farm to raid.
Irene Ezola played the role of his mother Elena, which aims to a shotgun on the group’s leader, and did not firing any fear and health to intimidate her land. Raise guns from both sides, Tata takes steps to prevent bloodshed between the two.
Revolutionary Leader, Once the De -La Garza Family servant, Tata agrees that he is a leave without any violence (call Tata Geea Or “boss”), but commands his men to occupy the provisions to go out of their way. Tata turns to her mother with a smile on her face, which shows that the results of her exchange will be appreciated. Instead, she is slapping her mother when she is spitting the word Geea Out of it
The women here are sweet and vicious. They take orders and give them. They are mothers and killers. Some use words to get their way, other guns and food.
“Women always have to fight for our destiny or to control our destiny,” said Hayek Penolt during the show’s press conference premiere. “Women participated in the revolution. They had to defend their homes, protect their families. Women’s contributions are often ignored in all political disputes around the world.
With a new administration of Trump, I am reminded of this old saying that “history does not repeat itself, but it often does poetry.” The horrors of the past will not be the same, but the new challenges – and the moments of sweetness – will help us to endure that who is old, once again to keep it alive. , It just feels natural.
Whatever the past tells us, in both fiction and non -intellectuals, the moment has been prepared for a moment. You are looking for light, light. Tata and her boyfriend Pedro get a connection in the world, in normal moments. They have been separated, but their love is bright through stolen shapes, shared laughter and lightning touch where their hands pass through each other. Where they find each other, they find love, magic and a way. Love is revolutionary and has the power to do incredible work. For Tata, love gives him the ability to avoid unbearable suffering of life -threatening injustice.
This super human strength reminds me of the moment I see on the average female Miss Prose, Charles Dickens, the devil and bitter madam deaf. “” A story of two cities. How does she do it? “Love, much stronger than honesty, hatred.” The Dickens’ story is more than 160 years old and still inspiring audience (Dark Knight Rises is the modern retention of the French revolutionary story and One of the most earning movies so far) The past cannot predict the future, but it reminds us of universal truths. In this case, there is a range of love. Tata uses it to avoid its reality, Miss Provis used it to kill.
This new version of “Like Water for Chocolate” brings us familiar characters with new elements – just as the current political landscapes in the United States and what the past tells us is that there is power in radical love and We will survive It will not be released, but in the parts of us that will make a story to tell it and it is the responsibility of the future generations to make it meaning.
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