To the editor: In the film version of “all the president’s men”, the “deep throat” role is advised by the investigating journalist Robert Woodward to “follow the money”, as well as the Times reporter, David Zahnisar (“La City Budget’s shortfall increases about $ 1 billion,” about $ 19). Just four years ago, as part of the American Rescue Plan, the city of Los Angeles received $ 1.35 billion. Where did all this go? Obviously not to take care of health. Our Health Commission has never been financed in its 10 -year -old existence.
We did not have enough fire trucks operational to handle our needs in January and we do not have a full -time treatment of our paramedics. The budget of our city was correct to the current administration. Why does the budget crisis always follow Mayor Karen Boss? In its era as an assembly speaker, our state had to face a budget disruption and Sank in the red ink. In June 2009, California’s credit rating was reduced and even President Obama will not exclude us from bail.
80 % of the city’s expenses are affiliated with labor, its contract is less than a year ago with the largest salary increase in the history of LA City Unions-a 22 % increase in the five-year period, including a 6 % increase in the first year. Obviously it was unforgettable.
In the government leadership for more than two decades, it seems that our mayor has not learned the basics of business mathematics. If you spend more money from yourself, you go bankrupt.
Dr. Howard C Mandeel, Los Angeles
Author is the President of the Los Angeles City Health Commission
To the editor: Oh, please! Ever since the prevail outbreak “disappeared”, the implementation of the parking has not done its job by giving tickets to those whose parking meters have expired or when cars stand on road cleaning days, etc. If people used to carry out jobs they were hired, Los Angeles would not have been dirty. When I am not saying that the budget is fixed, the minimum amount will be from those who break the law.
Liz Brown, West Hills