Liza Minnelli’s biggest disappointment in life revealed in new documentary

“Lisa: A really terrifying true story,” whose premiere took place at the Terrika Film Festival last summer and is currently playing in selected theaters, offers an intimate look at Lisa Mannyli’s famous career fluctuations and In his view, he, how, how, how they are. He didn’t have all this – despite all his achievements.

Through accounts through friends and archive footage, the film shows that his biggest disappointment in his life was unable to keep his family with his family, as he has experienced many difficult abortion experiences during his last four weddings. Because of

“I want a family intensely. I really want a family,” he has shown in an archive interview saying this to Geraldo Rowera.

A friend of the actor, Alan Lazare, touches Manily’s heartbeat for having a baby in the documentary, says, “We have been with Lisa, like abortion, like abortion.”

“If she had to pose something about which she was disappointed in her life, she does not become a mother,” says Lazare. “She was a great mother. There’s a lot to give her. She’s been very surprising to our children.”

Another friend, actress Mia Fero, went into close relationships with her children, and how she was so big with them.

She says, “She is my twins God’s mother, who is now 50 years old, and she never loses her birthday.”

Despite Maneli’s baby, a friend of his, Michael Fan Stein, said in the documentary that his relationship with his close friends with his children brings comfort.

“Although she was not able to have her baby, it seems that she has created her family through all the children who came into her life and all the gods.”

“She made an incredible mother, and life was not perfect.” But they went ahead, and they became part of our family. I think this is part of our attractiveness. We have kept this bond with a family that he did not have.

“Lisa: really a horrible perfectly true story” is now out in selected theaters in the United States

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