Level33 Singapore: World’s highest urban brewery named by Guinness World Records

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Keeping a cool beer on a hot day is a great pleasure in life. But keep a hot day cool beer when you see scenes in one of the world’s most photo jank cities? Even better than that

It was the concept of Level 33, a place in Singapore, which was recently named the world’s highest micro -brewer in a building by Guinness World Records.

The brand announced the news on March 12 on its Instagram and Facebook pages.

“We see it as an opportunity to reveal the story of Singapore’s difficulties, along with an important success for Level 33,” Martin Beam said in a statement.

One of them was busy with “difficult -hit innovations”, a room for a beer in a densely populated Singapore.

At the Marina Bay Financial Center Tower in Singapore, 33 floors – so the name – its name was opened in Level 33 2010.

Drinking goods were specifically arranged from Europe, but most of the machines were huge to fit into the lift of the building. Finally, the equipment – 12 tanks, two copper browhouse catalges and a cooling machine – had to bring it to the top floor by crane.

The BEM’s unconventional project worked. Now, becoming 33 destinations means that guardians can enjoy the view of famous buildings in the Singapore Skyline, such as Marina Bay Sands Hotel (and its famous swimming pool), Silver Lotus-ASS Science Science Science Museum and Singapore Flyer Ferris Wheel. As a crowd of pleasant hours for alcohol and photo options, it can be loaded at sunset.

Level 33’s beer menu has a normal list of styling, such as IPA and a stout, but is another specific wine brotch beer, made in partnership with the shampane company Barrons de Rothshaled. It is only available on the site.

From now on, the brand’s main location will bring a label with a blonde leather with the Guinness World Records logo.

Level 33 blonde cans.

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