Legal sports betting bill introduced by MN House DFL lawmakers

Sports batting has another opportunity to become a law in Minnesota, with supporters calling it “a chance to set a national standard for responsible sports conditions”.

Minnesota House’s suggestion, HF 1842Minnesota Senate proposal is a fellow bill SF 757Which was introduced earlier this year.

Read more: Movement to legalize mobile sports batting in Minnesota

Sports Betting Bill suggestions

What are they saying:

Members of the Minnesota House believe that with returning to the Chamber 67-67 tie, this bill is a good opportunity to become a law as it goes through it.

Representative Seederick Farazir (DFL-News Hope) “We acknowledge that sports are already occurring before the condition of the sport, often in unorganized markets, and our aim is to give priority to consumer reservations and responsible gaming. When the bill is transferred through the legislative process, the legislature, with the law enforcement and strengthening the law, is strengthened by lawmakers. The rules of the rules will be held as a leader, and we have vowed to give the right to enforce the laws of their sports batting.

Representative. Speaking in a statement that supported security measures and tribal countries in the bill, he said: “Respecting tribal sovereignty and ensuring a fair, regular and competitive market in Minnesota.”

Attempts to bet the past legal sports

Digger Digger:

The Senate bill is similar to the proposal that passed near last year.

It currently has the support of the tribal countries, tracks, charities and local sports franchises in Minnesota.

However, the Senate Bill was a blow to the state and local government committee in February, the committee was divided by 6-6.

Read more: The Minnesota Sports Betting Bill is facing a shock to the committee

Opposition to this bill is supportive of some religious groups and gambling people.

However, San Matt Klein (DFL-Mindoto Heights) Earlier, it was said that this year they have the right alliance to bet the sports.

Its bill, which was passed in about 2024, used to tax 22 % on winning and spread some income between tribes, horses tracks, charities, youth sports and gambling problems.

He says addicts are already using illegal batting sites, so their bill will be restrained.

“I have a key protector in my bill.” Sen Klean. “I can name more than 12 of them. And San Marti would like something else. And we can keep talking about it.”

Read more: MN Legal Sports Betting problems increase this legislative meeting

Subsequently, the money has been distributed among charities, the tribes that do not have gambling works, horses tracks, sports tourism and youth games, of which 10 % are also going to remove the gambling.

On the other hand:

Sen. John John Marti (DFL-Rosville) A mobile sports batting is skeptical.

“Gambling and addiction is as powerful as any opium or any other addict,” said Sen Marti, in fact, in fact, this is the highest suicide rate of any addiction. “

But he considers the legal status as almost inevitable, so he is proposing his security measures, including banning propobes, and responsibility for gambling companies.

“None of these things is acceptable to the industry because they will not benefit the most,” said Sen Marti. “And this is a very profitable industry.

Source: A news released by DFL lawmakers and past reporting Fox 9.

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