March is a women’s history month, there is a time to celebrate the partnership of women in many fields and highlight their stories. STEM – in science, technology, engineering, and math – a prominent local female director stands: Jennifer Hargroo.
Jabi lodge
Hargro is the director of the University of Louisiana University and a professor at the University. His educational and professional journey is impressive. His dedication to his field and passion resonates not only through his professional success but also through his enthusiastic character and love. She serves as a role model for young girls in Acadina, seeking to enter the world of science.
Hargroo is proof of what you want from an early age. She remembers, “Ever since I was younger, at the age of 5 or 6 years, I had these little golden books about dinosaur, and she was my absolute favorite. Then I decided that I want to study the foam and become a specialist.

Jabi Ligridge, KATC
When you enter the museum, Jennifer Hargroo has two dinoses in the display! They are not actually a T -Rex pair!
Jennifer says, “On the left, when you look at it, it is a sorophoganx and a torrosis to the right.”
His academic journey began at Luziana University, where he received a bachelor’s degree in science in 2002. He then received a master’s degree from the South Dakota School of Mine and Technology in 2004, followed by a PhD. From Oklahoma University in 2009.
Hargroo’s hard work and determination paved the way for his current role. In 2009, he began working as a Post Documentary Researcher at the University of Sacrays, and later became Assistant Professor at Southern Utah University from 2011 to 2015. He joined the University of Louisiana in Lifite, serving in various roles, from the instructor to the Associate Museum curator. In 2022, she became the director of the Al -Lafite Science Museum, a position that allows her dinosaurs and museums to shine. She focuses on enhancing the museum exhibitions and maintaining the engagement calendar of liftered events.

Jabi Ligridge, KATC
“As director of the Science Museum, we still have our geology and palionology focus, but now we are expanding it so that other units can be included in the College of Sciences,” Hargro said. “We have math exhibitions, a physics exposure, and we are currently working in the exhibition of chemistry.”
After learning about her dedication and journey, I was interested in the advice that Hargroo would share with younger women in Acadayana, who followed her career in Steam, and how she understood the challenges of students today as compared to her experience.
Hargroo noted, “It was always pointed to me, ‘Oh, you are the first person to do so. You are the first person to do so.” And when I thought it was a kind of cool, now I see that there are different challenges for many people. Tuition is more expensive, and many people are working out of the classroom.
The most effective advice is both straight and empowered: “If you want something, ask for it.”
Custom just telling you, you can open the doors of new opportunities. This is a notable basic belief, because now she opens the gates of the world of science that she liked so young.

Jabi Ligridge, KATC
When we celebrate the month of women’s history, stories like Hargroo’s show not only the challenges that women face in STEM but also achieve their achievements. His journey from a curious child through dinosaur is attracted to a leading personality of the scientific community who works as an impressive roadmap. Although we cannot chase the excavation places, as women, we are all chasing a dream. And Hargiro is proof that women can do anything.
Finally, Jennifer Hargroo’s dedication to her field and the commitment of enhancing the access to the Laphite Science Museum shows how an impact on a woman’s society. By focusing on adding and impressing the next generation of scientists, it embraces the spirit of the month of women’s history.
To learn more about events and attractions at the Lafite Science Museum, see
More information about Jennifer Hargroo. , See, visit
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