Israel insists it is going ahead with Unrwa ban – what it may mean for Palestinians | United Nations

Israel has insisted that the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) will not back down its plan to shut down Gaza operations for Palestinians, although critics say The move will immediately jeopardize humanitarian aid. Efforts.

Israel has ordered the UN agency to vacate its headquarters in East Jerusalem by Thursday, with Israeli Naiset passing a law on October 28 after banning its operations in Israel and Palestinian territories. He has not yet said how he will enforce a relevant law that ends all the Israeli government’s cooperation with Anawara, which can be implemented on the same day and his actions in the West Bank and Gaza. Can

The move comes when months of Israeli barriers in some areas, after months of Israeli barrier, as part of a ceasefire agreement, UNRWA and other aid groups have been able to.

According to its acting director of emergency operations, Sam Rose, UNRWA has 7,000 trucks outside Gaza and 1,500 under purchase. He told the Guardian that he expected to provide food parcel to 10 million people in 10 days in 10 days of ceasefire, and aims to send stocks including tarpaulin and mattresses for 1.6 million people There was also

The Israeli government is convinced that UNRWA staff participated in the October 7 massacre, and Hamas has infiltrated the organization, which has been compromised by its impartiality. The United Nations launched two independent reports about the allegations, and says it worked to protect its neutrality, where clear evidence was presented.

If non -cooperation measures are fully implemented, Israel’s action would be equivalent to a member state of a UN agency being forcibly expelled, the issue that caused the United Nations. The General Assembly was voted to vote for the International Court of Justice. An immediate consultation opinion.

In addition, two Palestinian human rights groups are calling for the Israeli Supreme Court order, which delays the law on the basis that the basic human rights of Palestinians will be violated.

Nevertheless, Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Denon wrote to UN officials last Friday that the headquarters must be vacated by Thursday.

Israel has refused to explain how Niset will implement the votes. But UNRWA staff believes it will mean that international employees will not be granted a visa, crossing the borders and crossing the borders with the UNRWA label in Gaza and security About Israeli defense forces will be prevented from ending. UNRWA bank accounts are also likely to frozen.

Rose said, “We will have a distance hole left. Almost HALF half of the HALF food sent to Gaza is organized through the Anwar Distribution Network, even if it is not labeled in all this meal.

Rose added: “In the first three, since the ceasefire began, we divided about 15 percent of people in this part of Gaza to only less than 300,000 people south of the Gaza Valley. The UNRWA will reach one million people in the next 10 days.

Rose has always been skeptical about using the number of trucks entering Gaza as a reliable measure of aid that enter the area, as some trucks can enter half empty. But four days after the ceasefire, more than 2,400 trucks entered Gaza, which is more than the number of Gaza in October.

He said, “The nature of UNRWA services – basic health care and education – is such that women and children will face any obstacle and the overall humanitarian effort is large Will be damaged. “

Argument, the effects of the ban are equivalent to a ceasefire violation. Donald Trump has now ventilated millions of people from Gaza, some UN staff has been intimidated by Israel and the United States to persuade Anura’s closure to persuade Palestinians to travel to Jordan and Egypt. Conditions.

In an interruption of Israeli efforts to close the UNRWA, the United Nations refused to make emergency plans to take over other agencies.

Israeli unprecedented ban is a cause for condemnation and concern for Gaza – video report

A report of the Peace Research Institute in Oslo last week was warned: “The principle approach to the United Nations is understandable for not making an emergency plan, but this is a train debris that is awaiting. But in Gaza, the suffering of the population will be dramatically increased as the backbone of the humanitarian operation because after falling without any alternative structure.

Regarding internal discussions within the UN whether or not to accept Israeli decisions, some officials have been forced to privately argue that there is no option but UNRWA works Trying to move to your other agencies. The most referred to is the World Food Program, an agency headed by the Americans.

Others argue that international law issues involved are so important that the United Nations should not refrain from it and instead of a strong political for UNRWA around the world, especially in the Gulf and Europe The leverage provided by support should be used.

UNRWA had 13,000 staff working in Gaza, but the number has increased to about 5,000 5,000 during the war, one of the reasons for the destruction of Israeli schools and health centers.

Gulab warns that if aid stops flowing into Gaza, a political space and Palestinians are at risk to seek Hamas again to provide services.

Trump’s nominee of the United Nations, Ellis Stephenk, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that US policy has to abolish the UNRWA and that Israel has the right to the Bible from the entire West Bank.

The United States provided 2 422m to UNRWA in 2023, doubled the donation of another country. As a result, the UNRWA faces a financial hole.

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