Is Trump ending food stamps? Student loans? – NBC New York

The White House stops the federal grant and debt, which began on Tuesday, when President Donald Trump’s administration launched its expenditures board theoretical review of the board.

Here’s the latest:

EPA says he is working to impose breaks on federal grants and loans ordered by the White House

A spokesman for the Environmental Protection Agency says that “federal spending and action will be in harmony with the will of the American people, as has been expressed by President Trump’s priorities.”

Spokeswoman Molly Wasilo said Tuesday that the agency EPA is temporarily preventing all activities related to the responsibility or supply of Federal Financial Aid.

The EPA controls billions of dollars worth of grants and other costs, including inflation reduction Act and bilateral infrastructure law as well as programs as well as safe drinking water and other goals. The money goes to state and local governments as well as tribes and non -profit groups.

“The EPA is continuing to work with the EMB when he reviews the process, policies and programs as per the need for a memorandum,” said Vasilo.

New York Attorney General Litia James Trump plans to file a lawsuit to freeze the administration’s financing

James, a Democrat, will ask a federal court in Manhattan to issue an order to temporarily re -train the Republican administration’s move, which is ready to stop the federal grant and funding series –

“My office will take close legal action against the administration’s unconstitutional breaks on federal funds,” James said in a social media post. “We will not sit down with it, while this administration hurts our family.”

On Monday, he described the frozen as “careless and dangerous” and a threat to families who rely on these funds.

James Trump and his policies have been a strong critic. It has filed difficult policies on environment, immigration, education, health care and other matters, several times by its first administration. He also fought Trump over his plans to include a question about the immigration status of the census in the US Supreme Court.

As a businessman, he also sued him for his methods, which last year won a civil fraud decision against his company and top executives, which has increased to more than 500 million Million with interest. Trump is appealing.

Senators call Trump’s financing attacks on communities and frozen Congress powers

Democratic senators are scared to return to the house -to -house calls to return home, fearing that the Trump administration has stopped federal funding to review.

“This is not a way to govern,” said Democrat, a Democrat from Minnesota, San Amy Klobochar said at a news conference in Capital.

The Congress has the power of the purse, but the administration’s move is seen as a direct challenge to the authority, in addition, all of them have been demanded legal action with legal proceedings.

“This is a deep constitutional problem.”

“What happened last night is the most direct attack on the Congress authority. I am sure, in the history of the United States,” King said.

Long -time budget viewers warn that Trump’s funding is threatening programs that relies on Americans.

“This new OMB memo will cause chaos and can result in a massive damage to people and communities across the country,” said Sharon Perot, a former White House budget official. .

He said the Trump administration “is committed to ending the Congress, yet it has to waive his hand about the law.”

The Department of Education says that those who stop do not pay the direct grant received

It includes more than 40 million Americans, including Federal Student Loan and are Federal Yellow Grant for 7 million low income students.

This means that students who rely on federal financing to pay tuition and other expenses are not expected to appear intermittently. Department officials said they are still examining the impact of the memo.

The White House stops the federal grant and debt, which began on Tuesday, when President Donald Trump’s administration launched its expenditures board theoretical review of the board. Tracy Staine reported.

The White House memo on Federal Aid came like a trauma for some people

“We have never seen anything like this,” said Marsia Howard, executive director of the Federal Fund Information Information for the states, said the Executive Director of Federal Fund Information for states analyzing federal measures for states. “It’s unique.”

Although the federal government has eliminated non -dependent funds in the past, it has not usually put a grant in the front. The grant interval is probably similar to the closure of the federal government, when the Congress’s delay at the expense of legislation delays federal payments for some state and local services.

“In these situations, what we have commonly witnessed to the states is that there is not much interruption in a few weeks,” said Howard said.

According to information related to federal funds for states, on average, about 30 % of their income is received from the federal government. The largest grant program is medical, which provides health care for low -income children and adults. But it is unclear whether the Trump administration’s position disrupts the flow of medical compensation funds in the states.

Trump uses his power to advance his conservative goals

Washington is a focus of spending that flows into various departments, local governments, non -profit people and contractors, and the memo has left countless people who rely on this amount of money they are wondering how they are impressed. Will be

During his first term, when Trump and many members of his internal constituency were unaware of Washington, this time he is deeply reaching the bureaucracy.

“They are pushing the president’s agenda from the bottom down,” said Paul Light, a federal government expert and professor at New York University.

He also said that there are risks in Trump’s point of view, especially many voters relying on Washington.

“You just can’t worry, anxiety, worry. You have to supply.

Immigrants and refugees were disconnected before Monday’s funding break

Last week, the Department of Justice stopped agreements to provide legal information to people facing deportation in the immigration court. The government was told in an email to the government -run non -profit groups about helping people navigate the system’s complex laws and procedures.

“We often hear that people do not know what’s going on. Why have they been detained? What’s going to happen next? “And we are also being prevented from giving us this basic level,” said Michael Lukins, executive director of the Amika Center for immigrants.

The Foreign Ministry told groups that provide temporary accommodation and employment training to resettle migrants immediately to stop work on the government’s financing efforts. Global Refuge said it affected 5,870 refugees under his watch.

The president of the group wrote in a fundraising pitch on Monday, “Recently arrived at the refugees who fled the unimaginable threat and legally sought global refuge to help them live in the United States in the United States. Trust in initial help. “

State Officer Federal Loan and Grants Waiting for a Memo Effect of Stopping Memo

In Kansas, State Transport Secretary Calvin Red said he had learned about the Trump administration’s move on Monday night and that the agency is still reviewing it and waiting for further guidance by federal officials. Doing

Federal Funds are an important source of money for highway and bridge projects, and the department is expected to receive 64 664 million federal funds during the 12 months starting on July 1, which about 40 % of its annual budget. About $ 1.7 billion.

“We think this is a low threat to our ordinary daily highway projects,” he said before briefing the Legislative Committee on his department’s operations on Tuesday. “It seems that the Trump administration has publicly said that they want to change, like the DII, like an electric vehicle infrastructure.”

Democrats and independent organizations criticize the administration for the federal grant break

He termed the administration’s actions as supernatural and illegal as the Congress had already given the fund.

“The Congress approved these investments and they are not optional. “They are the law,” Senate minority leader, New York’s Democratic Sen, Chuck Shamar said. “This will mean that payroll and rent will be lacking and everything will be lacking in: chaos for everything from universities to non -profit charities.”

Medicare and Social Protection Benefits will not be influenced by federal grants and loans.

This is in accordance with the memo of the Office of Management and Budget Acting Director Matthew Vietnam.

But there was no explanation whether the interval would affect medical, food stamps, destruction relief and other programs. The memo said it should “be implemented to a legitimate extent under the applicable law.”

Trump is crying out federal loans and grants because his administration reviews costs

The Republican administration’s decision could affect trillions of dollars and may have been widely obstructed by healthcare research, education programs and other measures. Even the grants that have been given but have not been spent should be stopped.

“The use of federal resources to advance the policies of Marxist equity, transgenderism, and Green New Dell Social Engineering is a waste of taxpayers, Matthew Wayt said,” Weekly is the loss of taxpayers’ dollars that we do not improve their daily lives. They bring. ” Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

This pause applies to et 5pm on Tuesday, and it is unclear how clean it will be from the memo. Vietnam said all costs must be complied with Trump’s Executive OrdersThe purpose of which is to eliminate progressive steps Transjender RightsEnvironmental justice and Diversity, equation and joining, or dei, efforts.

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