I like to play my dog in Dog Park.
But it needs to focus on many things to give this freedom. For example, other dogs run away, jumping and playing – especially the drama can be somehow. Of course this is a part of entertainment, but I have to keep an eye on the situation.
Specifically, I need to be:
- Observe: So I know what is happening and what potential problems can come forward
- Patient: So I can give dogs the opportunity to find and detect things on my own
- Understand: So I understand that when matters are fine and when I have to intervene
When I specialize in these skills, I get effectively erased in the background. My dog doesn’t feel how I have created a place to entertain it, and when it is strictly necessary, I just step on this step.
As EM, your team is not a dog. But some managers Do Want to control their team members in the same way that some people want to control their dogs. This is a sharp way to hurt everyone.
Instead, be aware of what is happening around you and understand when you need to intervene. And fortunately for you as an interviewed M, you have many gifts that make this management style easier. Here they are.
Imagine that when there is a crisis you are in the room with colleagues. Everyone is nervous and runs to the single door instead of systematically evacuating. People move each other, create a barrier that makes it even more difficult to leave.
If you have been a manager for a while, you have seen this metaphorical situation as much as you can. There is a crisis, and some managers now try to respond. They make decisions without all information, and it leads to the most planning that often causes more problems.
As an interviewed EM status, when you see a situation you are less likely to jump on or work immediately. The reason is that you often stop before making a decision. You take a second look and, in my experience, better decisions make 99 % of the time Because Look at this break and another.
As you can know, Chinese philosopher Sun Tusu wrote the art of war. There, he said that if you are sitting on the banks of the river, you will see your enemy’s body floating.
Thankfully managing engineers is far from joining the war because it is like a dogs dealing with them. But here is the nog of wisdom as the same as in engineering management:
- Wait
- Take off your time
- And sometimes your problems will solve yourself
So, just imagine that you are sitting in a meeting, and two engineers start fighting. You can step up immediately, or you can wait a little more to see if they themselves find out.
In my experience, the better option is not yet jumping. When you do this, you encourage your team to trust you. It is impossible for them to handle the situation themselves. But those who want you as an M. are members of the team who take the initiative with creative, mutual solution.
As an interview, it’s easy for you to step now – you are more patient like this. You look at the situation as soon as it develops and interfere with just to ensure that things are not out of hand.
As I mentioned above, one way to approach the dispute is to take steps when necessary. But another way is to turn the differences into a full fight and then learn from people from this mistake.
When you think about it, my dog comes to mind again, probably because I spend so much time with him.
When we moved to Lisbon, he tried to drink salty water from the sea and thought that the sand was just as food as snow. I could scream and keep it off the beach (good luck with him, know my dog), but I let him try for myself. As you can imagine, it didn’t try again.
This is done every day at work. People often only learn things in a difficult way. And managers can choose to try to teach them through words and actions or allow them to make their own mistakes and draw conclusions from there.
For example, I was once in a former meeting, and there was a small battle. I could step and ask them to stop, but they did not learn anything. I had seen them like this before, so I deliberately let them fight in front of the whole team.
After that, I went to everyone and said, “Hey, you lost control in front of the whole team. It is not acceptable. Your colleagues are disappointed. They got this matter and felt foolish to lose control.
As an interview, you will feel less inclined to intervene when you have such a crisis, and I encourage you to keep you in it. Unless it completely disrupts your tasks, you can let your team members learn and learn from their mistakes. And, of course. Help them, help them, what are those mistakes if they are struggling to see them themselves.
Many of us think that being good in our jobs means being busy. Many engineers believe that they have to put Long in the long run and have to suffer.
There is a slight difference with managers. That is, we think that if we do not manage our teams with heavy hands, we are not doing enough. We ask ourselves: What kind of manager am I can do if I can get people without me?
This can cause some managers to take the center stage at work. Everything has to go through them, which creates a terrible and ineffective obstacle.
Finally, the team will become accustomed to micro management. And then what happens when the manager goes on vacation? Or, as it is likely to be, burns?
Good management is very close to good design. It improves an experience but should be unseen on its own.
As an alternative, think to be like a stage director or a football coach: inevitable but hidden. Finally, they help actors and players make decisions for themselves in the stage or field.
Interviews like you have an edge on it. You are less interested in going to people’s faces. You have a limited social battery, and thus you are more investing in helping people detect things for yourself rather than trusting you.
I’ve been doing martial arts for a while now. I was taught that we are easily deceived that we are automatically engaged in the pressure of the surrounding conditions and there is no escape. He showed me that in fact, it was the choice to join.
My master highlighted that we are different from the world. Our souls are also different from our bodies.
For example, when you get hurt, you don’t really hurt – it’s just your body that hurts. If you don’t want you to scream or scream or fall. This is an automatic reaction to your body, not yours.
I think it is close to how the interviews see the world. We feel a bit more distance between ourselves and it – we don’t rush to add ourselves to things. Which gives us less reacts in hot conditions.
When we Tilt in this gift as a managerWe express less reaction and quickly feel that some forms of engagement are selection, not automatic. We do not need to put oil on a metaphorical fire, and we can find ways to bring water instead.
Some people believe that managers need to take the center stage and members of their team need to be instructed in their work. But in the background, interviewed managers prefer to do their job hidden. It has many benefits that you can tap as an interviewed EM (or already).
They include:
- Reflection of pre -acting: Before you make a decision, you take time to consider a situation and the people in it, usually improves.
- Sorting things for people for themselves: You only interfere with when it is necessary, make sure the problems do not become irregular and help people trust themselves.
- Allow people to learn a lesson from their mistakes: Let people learn the difficult way, which, in many ways, is the best and only way to do so. You also take steps to help them when they need.
- Hogging to Spot Lite: Because your social battery drains faster, so help you get people more free.
- Understanding are your choices: You understand that not everything is inevitable, including your participation or decisions in them. You know you can make different choices.
Of course, these gifts can also make it easier to cross the think or limit, which is definitely a negative aspect of being an interview. But learning to embrace your natural tools without being paralyzed by them gives you a powerful edge in EM character.