Inside EPA’s meeting with stunned science staffers

Employees at the EPA Science Office were summoned to an Edhac Town Hall on Tuesday, as a result of the reports that the Trump administration plans to abolish most of the office staff.

But staff is expected to be in danger of jobs in the office of their 1,540 people, according to two employees who attended the Virtual Meeting quickly.

Career EPA Managers at the teams meeting – organized as follows There are reports that the Trump administration has intended to reduce most of the positions In the Agency’s Office for Research and Development – blinded by these projects.

“The managers raised questions on this call led by Acting Assistant Administrator of the Office, Moreen Gonnon,” said an EPA employee who was in the meeting, but “they didn’t really know anything. “The man was not disclosed to discuss the internal agency’s conversation.

At the meeting, another person, who did not even make his name, said that the manager was just as surprised by the information as other employees. He told the workers that the career organizers were not consulted on the projects, and they were surprised by their notification.

The first EPA employee said that some questions were about the expected time. At a meeting of the Microsoft teams, a staff asked, “If they leave,” Can I still post my dissertation? ” The man said.

The confusion within the EPA came when the agency’s workers and the federal government more widely pursued President Donald Trump and his team in the workforce.

The EPA is expected to be a major target for the reduction of manpower. Nevertheless, reports of steep deductions to the EPA science staff indicated a massive screaming between agency employees, environmentalists and allies at Capital Hill on Tuesday.

When asked about the internal meeting on Tuesday afternoon, EPA spokesman Molly Waselio said in an email, “I wonder if the managers do not have details because the questions are based on fake news and not the agency’s decision!”

He added, “Although no decision has been made yet, we are actively listening to employees at all levels to better meet the agency’s legal responsibilities, increase performance, and make sure that the EPA is as modern and effective as usual.”

EPA Administrator Li Zeldon said on Fox’s business on Tuesday New York TimesWho had previously reported the planned deductions, “he had a way out of his ski”, though he did not pay direct details about the proposed deductions in the Science Office.

“One decision is something through which we are working,” Zodland said.

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