Inside a Chaotic U.S. Deportation Flight to Brazil

Temperatures were rising inside the plane. The deportation of UNC Brazil, most of which was handcuffed and foolish, was becoming restless under the watch of US immigration agents on Friday. The passenger jet, to deal with repeated technical problems, was trapped in a sharp city of Amazon in a sharp city of rain.

Then the air conditioning was broken – again.

According to an interview with six exemptions on the flight, demand for sitting, stirring, screaming, crying, weeping, passenger anesthesia and demanding to get out of agents. Finally, passengers pulled the levers to release two emergency costs, and the plane men put it on the plane’s arm for help.

Brazil’s federal police arrived rapidly and after a brief interruption, US immigration and customs enforcement agents asked to release exiles, though they had not yet reached their destination.

President Louise Ensev Lola Da Silva ordered a Brazilian aircraft to lift the exile and take them the rest. The ministers of his government then shouted slogans as “unacceptable” and “defamatory” to the Trump administration’s deportations.

There were complaints about Brazil’s flight that Colombian President Gostao Petro Answer on social media When he announced on Sunday that his government had made two deportation flights from the United States. It eliminated the threatening threats of prices between the United States and Colombia, which eventually ended in the backing of Mr Petro.

Diplomatic dust -ups about exile flights to Brazil and Colombia have called the first end of President Trump’s hard -working policy to deport millions of non -documentary immigrants.

The shock of two left -wing Latin governments has revealed the emerging dissatisfaction in the region by President Trump’s defamation of his immigrants as tough criminals have threatened the fabric of the United States.

On Monday, Mr. Trump said of exiles, “Each of them is either a killer, a drug owner, some kind of kangapine, a crowd, or a gang member.” In fact, none of the exiles who had arrived on two flights to Bogota on Tuesday, there was a criminal record, said the head of the Colombian migration authority.

Both Colombian and Brazilian governments posted messages online to Mr Trump, showing that they are returning home to their citizens and saying they deserve respect. “They are free and dignity, and they are in their homeland where they are loved.” Tuesday written.

The Pew Research Center estimates that in 2022 there were 11 million non -documentary immigrants in the United States, including 4 million Mexicans, 2.1 million Central American, 230,000 Brazilians and 190,000 Colombian residents.

Mr Petro initially removed exile flights because he was done by the US military, which is a recent change under the Trump administration. It was a Colombian military aircraft that flown the Colombian deportation on Tuesday. Mexico is not yet aware that it has received exile flights on military planes.

Brazilian was flown to a commercial charter. The Brazilian government called on the top US diplomat on Monday to discuss the terms of the flight. According to a summary of Brazilian efforts in the official document of 2022, the government has repeatedly asked the US government to flee deportation, including the Brazilian Foreign Minister and the then Secretary of State Antony Blackon. According to the Brazilian efforts.

According to Brazilian officials and experts on the issue, US officials have largely ignored these requests. According to Brazilian officials, the US government has deported nearly 7,700 Brazilians in about 9595 flights since 2020. Officials said that in many of these flights, ice agents have folded Brazilian exiles on their hands and feet.

Nevertheless, the exile flight to Brazil on Friday – the first in Mr Trump’s new term – was the first to see such a public response by the Brazilian government. On Friday, the difference, officials and passengers said, was a plane’s condition by ice agents and the deported people were in a state of handling some extent.

Ice did not respond to a comment.

For many Brazilian exiles, this trip began weeks ago, with long bus rides in the United States – from California, Georgia, Arizona and Texas – to a federal immigration center in Alexandria, Louisiana. Men handcuffed these rides, sometimes for the day.

Early on Friday morning, ice agents filled the passenger jet with deportation, and put dozens of herbs in the back and women and children, who were not handcuffed, said in the front, exiled.

Charter Airlines, a flight through Globalics Air, had problems from the beginning. Passengers said that on the first attempt, the aircraft struggled to take off. After a mechanic worked on the turbine, it left, but the passengers were restless.

“They started asking: If something happens, how are you going to remove 80 people from the rash?” Loose Campus, 35, a Brazilian exile, said, after spending six weeks in Texas detention centers. “Please, take off these chains.” “They said, ‘No. This is a protocol. This is always the case. ” ‘

Tensions increased after hours during the refueling stop in Panama. Once again, the plane was struggling to take off, and this time, three passengers stated that the wing was smoke from the engine. He said that the air conditioning was also stopped because of the incident, and the plane quickly became gold in tropical heat.

Finally the air conditioning was restored and the aircraft was taken down. Hours later, it landed in Manois, the largest Brazilian Amazon city. The flight ended 1,600 miles in the south, ending in the Bello Horizonta, Brazil. Brazilian federal police said the plane landed due to a technical problem.

Global X Air and ICE did not respond to comments requests.

Passengers said that in Manois, the aircraft once again struggled to cope with clear engine problems for the third time. And then, once again, the wind stopped flowing inside the cabin.

“The frustration began to catch. Telling the truth, I didn’t think I would make him alive, “21 -year -old Loose Antonio Rodrigus was one of the exiles. He said his asthma started and he struggled to breathe, so ice agents. He brought him to the plane and poured water on his head, “The children were crying, the parents were disappointed.”

Mr Santos and other exiles said that in the disturbed cabin, the men started pushing the corridors, pushing the ice agents on the way. Agents and passengers screamed and pushed each other, and several deported people said they were killed. Then some passengers opened up the emergency.

Within minutes, people with at least seven handcuffs stepped on a wing. “Call the police!” According to a scream, A video of this moment.

The Brazilian federal police eventually entered the cabin and ordered ice agents to let Brazilian residents go. With the watch and taking the video to the people at the airport, the exemptions said, the ice agents tried to remove them before the plane was taken off.

“But no one will allow it. Mr Campos said that the passengers themselves said, ‘No, you are no longer taking handcuffs.’ “Because if they removed the handcuffs, I think the story will be different.”

News broadcasts show that men who have been changing across the thermik have been changing. After that, Brazilian officials removed the chains and the passengers spent the night at Manas Airport. On Saturday, a Brazilian military plane took them to Bello Horizont.

There, Brazilian Minister of Human Rights, Maca Everesto, received them. According to him, he told the passengers on the plane, “I am here at the request of President Lola.” A video Posted by the Brazilian government. “Our position is that countries can take their immigration policies, but they can never violate anyone’s rights.”

Which faddul Coopered in reporting from Brazil’s Sao Paulo Genio Glatsky Reporting from Bogota, Colombia.

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