We are an audiobock family in House Hutchinson, and at any moment my wife or I may be listening to one of the wandering. We have collected more than 300 things. Hearing) And old physical “books tape” (most of which are actually on CDs). I have no objection to getting everything in the files and then dragging these files into the book app on my Mac, but my wife prefers to use the audable app to play directly to play things directly-it is (sometimes) fast, it is easy (usually), and it works (sometimes).
But a while ago, the hearing app stopped working for it. Taping the app’s “library” button will only show a spinning loading icon forever. All routine troubles (login and out in different ways, removing the app and re -installing, other familiar rituals) did not result. Finding something on Google and Dick Dickgo did not happen to me except that many other people face the same problem and complete silence by Audible and Amazon.
Therefore, after trying to “correct” things in a “right” manner, I permanently changed the problem with audio boxf and fixed the problem.
Audio Book Shelf! Look, unclean mailing with my wife and my audio box.
Credit: Lee Hutchinson
Audio Book Shelf
The audio book shelf is a Self -hosted audio bucks and podcast serverAnd after two weeks of use, so far it works Mass It is better to try to pour into the audable app. My wife can now hear the audiobox instead of staring at the spinning loading icon forever.
You need something to run on Audio Box shelf, you need something to run on it – a spare desktop or other computer you are not using should fit this bill, as audio boxes are relatively modest. You can install it either A Dokar ImageOr on the bare metal Windows Or several different Linux Destros. ۔