I spoke with Google’s Head of Android about the future of AI – and smart glasses are involved

Carey Wan/Zet Net

Last week, at the heart of the Mobile World Congress, a significant, temporarily, despite the meeting space, could not help but could not consider how far Google’s Android ecosystem came. Five short years ago, Android’s mission was focused on personal privacy control and smart home integration.

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Now, between the great Android sculptures, the gymnasium balloons, and the small data that are wandering through the booklets of the book, this story has passed in a decisive way to connect AI -powered experiences in almost every aspect of the mobile experience.

Is sitting in the center of evolution Sameer SamatHead of Google’s Android, who, for the time of the conference chaos to discuss Gemini Live’s new real-time video and screen sharing capabilities, is in charge of the chaos-which includes the Deep Mind’s project in the preparations of the Austrian.

Gemini Live’s new video and screen sharing features

For the new features of Gemini Live, the enthusiasm of Samat was clear from the moment when we began to discuss the latest works, even if he praised the Circle’s measuring team for the first year search. He explained, “We didn’t really use the word once.” It was exactly what you can do here, and how it helps you. “Samat intends to broadcast the benefits of the new Android properties in a simple reality place that AI is more of a car.

Google Pixel 9 Pro Gemini Live Advanced

Carey Wan/Zet Net

Gemini Live has the ability to refer to anything and immediately discuss the smartphone camera. At one of the conference, I was taken to a special room in Android Avenue, where a ceramic bouquet was sitting on a table with several street -colored samples. Gemini Live, in the conversation, has been able to help decide which colors will be found on an empty bouquet through voice questions, as well as a direct video from the camera on the Pixel 9 Pro XL.

Nos: Gemini Live is expanding and can talk about what is on your screen now

Gemini will also recognize live screen sharing content and will engage in context conversations around what he sees. Samat imagined someone to hunt online for a new car and use Gemini directly, “Hey, what is the average price of all the things we’ve just seen?” After that, Gemini Live then the average of each vehicle during the session may be average.

Project Ostra comes in first smartphone

Significantly, these capabilities are created from Deep Mind’s project Austra, which is a research move to develop a “Universal AI Assistant” that simultaneously process sound, visual and environmental context. After experimenting with the Project Austra at the Google Campus last December, these new features immediately. It was only the power and possibility that I enjoyed in my demo.

Samat acknowledged that when these features are interesting in the smartphone, it is just a surface scratch that is possible. “Gemini with the capabilities of the Astra integrated with him, where we are now on the phone, really predict what is possible on glasses.”

AI agents - Project Austral Google io

Last year in Google I/O, founder Sergey Bern noticed that smart glasses operated by the project Australia showed promise.

Carey Wan/Zet Net

Imagine applying thumbs through an engineering textbook, the century made it clear, and asked Gemini to remember an artery shown on the pages. Later, once it is time to solve a problem, you ask Gemini to refer to the knowledge obtained from the Araigram earlier. “This can help you start work through problems. It’s amazing.”

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This context of knowledge is a key component of the strength and promise of these new multi -modal features in the Gemini Live. However, the trick is already remembering to use the technology before that moment so that it can note these lengths in the first place.

Samat agrees that it is a huge challenge for the promise of this technology right now. He added, “The things that are the most magic that are the most smooth.” “We are all trying to reach it and work hard on it.”

To balance innovation and consumer trust

Our conversation prevents the contradiction between the industry’s biggest industry about artificial intelligence and consumer manufacture and acceptance. When I was roaming the MWC halls, I noted the AI’s strategic importance by every company on the floor.

It contradicts the general emotions of participants and consumers that these features and products are not so desirable, useful or secure because the industry wants to believe them. “The auxiliary pointed out,” the only big thing we have to do to build trust with consumers as an industry is to talk about the benefits. “

Samat has also expanded Google’s experience of decade, which is an important example of the reality of the rise and the first Google Glass film, as an important example of this growing technology, to address its consumer privacy concerns. Seth observed, “We are trying to see what our CEO says, there is a bold but responsible way around it.” “We want to advance technology, but we want to make sure we are doing it in a way that is thoughtfully.”

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This may sometimes mean that although Google may be ready to take advantage of being an early mover, as Google Glass was a matter, the company can choose to take time instead. “This means that sometimes we will always do nothing even if we have this ability.”

Considering modern smart glasses, the Sad has suggested that when the camera recording on the glasses, Google’s important work has played an important role in creating the standard of the industry to inform the passers -by.

“Many of these experiences help us understand what is happening, you need to be transparent with people.” When it comes to confidentiality, Samat says the company looks deeply at the news to keep its users comfortable and shared soon.

Will Agent Eclipse Eclipse?

The rise of AI agents on smartphones, such as Google’s Gemini 2.0, which strengthens the features of Gemini live and project Austra, has raised concerns in some developers that their apps can be removed in March toward the agent’s action.

When he was asked how Google progresses in agents with his long -standing relationship with third -party developers, he quickly admits, “I hope for it. I think it is about to become a partnership where these things will work together.”

T Mobile A iPhone

T -Mobile unveiled a smartphone fully in MWC last year by AI agents.

Carey Wan/Zet Net

Samat has recognized third -party apps to bring this important service to the Android Economic System and viewed them as more experience than API for a purpose. He also attributes AI agents to personal assistants. “If we had an assistant to everyone,” Seth noted, “they would use some of these services and help you use some of these services properly.

I don’t think they will be replaced by these services. “In this sense, Samat on Device looks agents as ways to perform more and more for users rather than completely changing these things.

Last goal

When our debate deteriorated, I asked Samat how he imagined AI’s statement in the next few years. The century did not make any bones about the importance of this moment in AI Google and, more widely, the whole industry. “AI is a very important technology,” Satt said, “This is just as a big shift as a mobile, as is a great change like personal computing.”

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Samat sees this moment as an opportunity to explain to consumers and developers as to how the benefits of AI are in how we use technology today. “I think it is the responsibility of all of us in the industry to talk more about these benefits and make these benefits a reality.”

Talking about these benefits, Samat reaffirmed the importance of allowing “AI” to be left behind by consumers’ technology technology. “Consumers just want to know if this equipment can help them in fact.” If the Samat team succeeds, the biggest confirmation can come from users who, without realizing the benefits of AI, without realizing it.

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