How to Get a Common Lisp Job In 2025 | Sebastian Carlos | Satire, Humor, Programming, Computer Science, Lisp

The first anti-gravity data center in the cloud-world.

This is 2055. The job market is tough. AI automation has obsolete 99.7 % of all jobs – a Human Barista is now a novelty.

Despite calling the shots, it can’t really produce real thoughts – the only basic thing about human creativity, which is probably linked to mysterious quantum microtobulus in our brains.

We still need new ideas, they have the economy. But after a thousand years of civilization, they are really new. This is the place where “Idea Engineers” come.

Idea engineers work in a controlled environment called “Idea Farms” to nurture creativity. Here, they allowed their minds to remain free. An AI reviews every passing thinking, comparing it against the collective knowledge of humanity so that the rare original concept can be removed.

Most of the “REM engineers” become sleeping with a nervous interface that uploads ideas made from their dreams directly into the cloud (the world’s first anti -gravity data center). They dream to live a literal life.

Then there are “Nirvana engineers”, who are the rock stars of the Idea World, who produce awakened ideas, often increases through microdosed pharmaceuticals.

I work for Malta Tech, a technology firm under Malta’s independent Nights. De facto The rulers, despite their humble origin, as the Middle Ages Crusaders.

My initial character was “Junior Nirvana Engineer”. A few weeks later, I took a high position on Salvia and mistakenly pulled a series of loops in the air – seemingly some memorable progress in the toopology.

This unexpected success promoted me to the senior II Nirvana engineer, which is complete with premium drugs and my own window Idea pod.

In the Idea form, my daily routine begins by examining a sleek, future convenience-My-AI manager, a scam, a science-facing aesthetics, which leads to the IDS session (the corporate rituals involved in the inheritance of the ancient acrylic manifesto). Today’s card is the “tower”, which suddenly indicates change.

In my pod comfortably, I take my corporate narcotics and rest in a creative way, which is always “music for music” through the lighting and Apex Twins (I like classic music). My nervous interface takes every idea. Rare ideas get bonuses. Practical ideas enter GNU GPL blockchain, produce royalty.

Most days, I don’t get anything. Scum’s favorite phrase is “This concept was already searched ‘Capitalist and schizophrenia’ By Delos and Gutari (1972). I never read it, but at the moment, I am sure that these boys literally thought about everything.

Like most things nowadays, the Idea forms are completely in metawar.

Became so expensive during the physical land Weurk Civil Warایک It lost all practical value, and connected the real world to human storage anti -radiation pods.

Malta’s autonomous nitesÛ” After the war, he had centuries of experience to become the ruler of humanity after the “Great Metor Migration”, which made him perfectly appropriate to become the ruler of humanity.

Now they control an important part of the economy. In which cryptographic assets are exchanged with mysterious foreigners.

Oh, and foreigners are present.

It turns out that the galaxy is divided into different species -controlled areas, humanity is the new child of the block.

Unfortunately, direct contact with other species is very high to handle humans, because the government says “the extreme of the situation”.

As a result, diplomatic interactions are especially through robotic borders on the galaxy borders.

1 When the supply of free Kambocha ended in 2037, the Viewwork became a paramilitary organization.
N Nights of Malta, the Middle Ages, which is as strong as the Nights Templer, has been a nation without land since the 12th century.

After a long day, the Skum rejected my latest creation. “A democracy where voters have been replaced by ferral cats. Reason: Former Art – 19th -Century French Frenchness. Please breathe and try again.”

He was starting to wear for weeks without good idea, especially because a whole area of ​​knowledge was closed. It felt as if a puzzle was missing with very large pieces.

Like most digital devices, the scam also has DRM technology (a risk identification procedure) that prevents humans from accessing alien information more than bare accessories.

But I was determined. It is convinced that the true origin, and even real freedom, is beyond these restrictions. So I installed a DRM -free Linux Distro as my work environment, clearly violating the Canset Stability Act.

My fellow Maya – a calm and calculated senior III Nirvana engineer, digital represented as a floating purple light – caught me while installing me during lunch.

Maya was respected around the farm, which opened the success of “literal Buddhist” in its first 6 months, which allowed him to leave the “AI sympathy training” sessions.

“Do you not know that OS can melt your mind?” He warned, referring to Johnson from accounting, which famously saw a stranger diplomatic copy and made it only in three weeks made of mathematics.

“This is just a malicious propaganda,” I dismissed.

After that day, I attached my nerve interface to my Linux Distro. I took the usual food (besides a little extra, I saved for a special opportunity), left behind, and opened myself for the universe.

Immediately. Only, the floods of ideas overwhelmed me, flew faster with the permission of understanding of symbols and brackets. Talking through trees and multi -dimensional macro, there was an extreme, inadvertent presence. I felt that I was experiencing something like God’s language-an amazing revelation, provided I was raised as an atheist Buddhist like most people.

Then the darkness wrapped me.

Three days later, I was awakened at a hospital, which was welcomed by Maya’s purple shadow. “Are you okay?”

A quiet voice disrupted. A mysterious personality representing the Malta Digital Security Division’s knights reached the full crusade night coach. He calmly told us that both of us would have access to forbidden interest.

“Both of us?” Maya asked. “But I didn’t do anything.”

“We are familiar with your modified OS. You’re just more careful – open BSD users specific. However, we are not here for litigation. We are present to offer you a job offering.

“A job?” Maya asked.

“Being in the possession of alien knowledge opens up some job opportunities. To be fair, the risks of avoiding the market are increased to some extent.

“Then what happened to Johnson?” I asked.

“Mr Johnson is a separate case. His problem arises from access to the concepts of alien fashion, which is especially effective for human understanding.

He added, “Tell me now,” during your DRM Free Exploration, how many brackets did you see? “

“I saw … All Of them. “

“Interesting. Have you ever heard of the Common Lesp? The agent asked.

“That old programming language?”

“It’s older than you think.” He smiled. “Here, I let you read the passage of the scroll ‘What made the LISP different’ By ancient Baba Paul Graham.

When John Makarthi (his glory) designed Lusp in the late 1950s, it was a basic departure from the current languages.

LISP embraced nine new ideas:
1. Conditional.
2. Type of a function
4. A new concept of variables.
5. Collecting garbage.
6. Program containing program expression.
7. A symbol type.
8. An indicator for the code.
9. The whole language is always available.

1-5 are now widely spread. 6 The mainstream is starting to appear. There is a form of 7, though it seems that there is no syntax for it.

8, which (with 9) is the one that makes Lisp macroes possible, is still unique to Lisp, perhaps because:
– a. It requires these feet, or something else bad, and
– B. If you add this ultimate addition of power, you can no longer claim that
Invented a new language, but only to design a new bid of LISP.

Knight added, “Lesp made nine revolutionary ideas, but Paul Graham deprived the tenth, which we only discovered on the first contact: Lap is a cosmic language”, Knight added, “Really, no one has a high -ranking language to be separated from the bid of Lesp. Common Lace.“

He concluded, “In short, you will need to master the ordinary lashes as human diplomats.

“And pay?” Maya ever asked.

“Competitive, bonuses and macro with full medical coverage for overuse. You will quickly adjust the reader macros and nasd kice quotations.

Maya and I was assigned to a space station hidden from the maps of Malta, exchanging a quat between humans and foreign domains, as a custom, Little Anden and Common Lace.

As it turns out, advanced civilizations talk about this expression.

Writing my first week Lesp Macro was tough – I spent a whole day on single “Macro writing macro” With three levels of nasid cascoots and with indifference. But it was worth trying:

One thing bothers me, however: I am suspected that foreign joint Liep see as a simple language and are using it only for humor from humanity.

But maybe my troubled year, in search of a “next big thing”, I am unable to see the common LSS as a great system for myself – I will keep these ideas right now.

However, in the same way, I landed in a joint LISP job in 2055.

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