The year 2008 seems to be an ever -one -first place, but in view of what is happening in Washington today, what happened this year is coming to a rapid relief. The stock market was a huge accident. An important investment bank, which has been going on for more than a century, has spread. After that, the US government, under the Democratic President Barack Obama, came to save the economy in the free fall.
New patrons were kept to prevent such work from being again. Banks, which benefited more and more, needed to maintain large cash reserves. The restrictions were imposed on what bankers can do with collectors’ money.
But even though all these reforms, this devastating year has been a long -lasting question: can it happen again?
Among the executive orders of Donald Trump’s snowstorm, from non -documentary immigrants to eliminate government DEI programs, to abolish US agencies related to reservations provided by Independent Inspector General to Government employees to Independent Inspectors General Everything was directed until assigning, when our new president responded. He ordered a thorough review of the government policy on crypto currencies. The answer is yes. Recently. , Trump made every hint that he would let the Crypto be crypto, and that he was already freeing all the markets in the imaginary amount to do what he wanted to do.
The most important thing Trump’s order did was to protect banking services for crypto enterprises and markets. This will allow crypto exchange and marketers to use regular banking services to store their real money, while they will scheme to produce new types of fake money to sell them to those who sell goods and services The Libertians of the Payment System have fallen to the dream that is free. Extremely organized US dollars.
Trump also ordered to create a handpecked crypto “working group” so that on the path to the campaign, what could be studied to create feasibility, he called a “strategic reserve” of cryptocurrency. The concept of a strategic reserve is nothing new. The United States has maintained such reserves of petroleum created after the Arab oil ban in 1973-74 to calm the oil market and ensure that there is a shortage in this country. There is enough oil to face or use a national emergency such as during the war.
Strategic Petroleum Reserve is a real thing: Hundreds of millions of barrels of crude oil are preserved in a series of underground caves along the Gulf of Mexico (Air, Ah … Gulf America) Will a crypto reserve look like? Talks between Trump’s Crypto-Baby supporters, who supported his campaign hundreds of millions of dollars, is that the reserve will begin with more than 200,000 Bitcoins that law enforcement against crypto fraud. Caught as part of the action. Right now, those bit Quins are held, if a crypto token can be “held” by the Justice Department. The price of bitcoins seized by the DOJ is about $ 21 billion on the current market value, and will be completed, it is thought that the government is buying more bit coins in the open market.
Ah! Now we begin to see the outline of what is happening in Trump’s crypto adold brain only in his rule. Bitcoins will increase so much that the US government has decided that they are a viable investment, and there is no doubt about crypto currencies that when the government goes to the market and buys more of it. There will be even more importance and dignity.
What is really happening here with Donald Trump’s Crypto world? First, he is legalizing the whole idea of this imaginary digital currency.
But when you really can go to the strategic petroleum reserve, or at least its level access, cryptocurrency is not a financial item that can support a real thing, such as oil or coffee or soybeans. It is said that crypto currency like BitCoin is in digital and “blockchain” storage zero and only through passwords are accessible. There are all kinds of crypto storage facilities, the original buildings where the blockchain uses large -scale electricity to operate the blockchain blockchain -maintaining machines. You can own BitCoin, which is worth 000 102,000 in today’s crypto market, but it does not exist except faith that you can trade it or its cash price. Can sell in return, which includes dollars (or euros or some other). The original currency), which you can then submit and use to a real bank, but you see fit.
So what is really happening here with Trump’s Crypto world? First, he is legalizing the whole idea of this imaginary digital currency. Before Trump’s order that crypto currencies should be allowed to access the banking system, the crypto market is mostly on traditional banking and investing vehicles such as stocks and bonds. Although there are good. Exchanges through which stock and bonds can be exchanged for business and dollars, crypto exchange is unorganized markets that exist because someone says so, such as Sambank Man Fried and its higher The flying FTX is like a crypto exchange. But what happened to FTX? It was there, and then he was not there. Bankman Tayad was also there, together with world leaders and living in Bahamas. But now he is in jail and is exchanged in bankruptcy.
The whole world of crypto, along with its “coins” and “exchange”, exists in the real world of banking and the New York Stock Exchange and the Nice Deck and the commodity markets. It was designed by the Liberian Masterminds in such a way that came to free himself from considering government intervention in his business with crypto currencies.
The market he created was primarily a group of boys who traded goods and tried to make money by taking each other out in their private market. But there was a problem: For most parts, they did not have access to a huge pond of money retaining money through banks and other investment markets.
Now Donald Trump wants to open the trillions of dollars for Crypto Lords that support it. As he has ever done, he is paying his loyalists for great donations that helped him keep him in office.
Like everything associated with Trump, when he first named his name on a building in Manhattan and began selling Trump branded garbage in every detail, all about greed. The money is that Donald Trump rode the Golden Trump Tower Ecter and threw his hat in the presidential in 2015. The reason for the money is that his daughter and son -in -law did what he did in the White House for four years: Gerard Kushner and Ivanka Trump collected billions from Saudi Arabia when they left Trump’s post, after leaving the post of Trump. And since then the profit has been going on. The same is true of Trump’s adult sons, who are there announces new deals for the construction of Trump branded hotels and golf courses, and whatever they are selling. They will do everything through the Trump organization. Who owns the Trump organization? Donald Trump does. He has also established a crypto company called World Liberty Financial, which sells branded crypto tokens called the $ WLFI. Trump also owns the company, with his children, his youngest son, Baron, who now holds the title “Defeat Visionary” in Trump’s latest scam that loves people who love him. Suck dollars out of pocket.
Trump and his Crypto Lords want to force the rest of us to join their scams that we do not want and do not understand by allowing banks to buy our money. They want to “invest” our original money in their imaginary currencies.
For Donald Trump, politics has never been about setting up policy or issues or construction of goods such as federal dollar roads and bridges. Remember “Infrastructure Week”, its four -year promise that tomorrow, or the next day, or the next month, will it get a big bill of infrastructure and prepare things all over the United States? Who actually passed the infrastructure bill? Biden and Democrats. And what did Trump do? He issued an order to close all federal grants and loans, as they were spent to build items like roads and bridges under the Federal Dollar Biden Infrastructure Act.
Trump’s Silicon Valley “Bros” – Elon Musk and Peter Thale and the rest of them – are already in the hands of defense contracts in the most lucrative world. But is it enough for them? Is this enough for Trump, with his global independence financial scheme?
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Not at all. They want banks to work more than their original dollar, even though they are their crypto schemes. They want a large amount of money. They want the bank to invest in their crypto schemes. They want to trade crypto -backed securities in banks and financial markets.
Basically, Trump and his Crypto-Lords want to force the rest of us to join their scams that allow banks to allow our money to buy goods we do not want and do not understand, Crypto equivalent to credit default conversion. They want to “invest” our original money in their imaginary currencies.
If you think that in the early 2000s, the residential market is a bubble, which is supported by the useless sub -mortgage, wait until you see a crypto bubble. The minimum mortgage was linked to real property in which humans can live or rebuild or sell, even at a tremendous loss. What is Crypto support? Literally nothing, except for the misguided belief that there is a “there”.
It can happen once again in 2008, or worse. The global market that depends on the US banking system will be disabled. The whole house of digital bits and bytes will crash. The strategic crypto reserve will be empty, or useless.
Four years “Look here! A Trans Person!” Disappointment and dislike and lie will end. All the real money will flow to Donald Trump and his crypto lords, which will almost certainly expire after receiving.
Donald Trump’s America will once again be great. For a few people, not many. The rich will get richer, the poor will become poorer. We have seen it before and we are about to see it again.
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About Trump’s barrages of policy changes