How humans have pushed the Arctic into a ‘new regime’

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Arctic has long filled humans with surprise, but now there are there The deep disturbing indicators coming from the frozen landscape in the upper part of our planet, and scientists, are deeply concerned about its future because the Trump administration has removed the United States from the global climate strategy and has dared to have science agencies.

The previous month was extremely: the temperature in some parts of the Arctic 36 degrees Fahrenheit, or 20 centigrade, From the top of the month to the end of the month, C ice was at the lowest level ever for February, which marked the third straight month of the record decrease.

It also includes a year of indicators of the region, including A severe forest fire And pumping the planet’s heating from the planet by melting Perma frost.

It paints a serious picture of a region that has been in a rapid decline for the past two decades as humans are burning foolish fuel. The National Maritime and Environmental Administration said that the Arctic is now within a “new government”, where indicators such as seafood loss and sea temperatures cannot always break the record, but are permanently more extremely than in the past. Annual Health Testing Of the region published in December.

This is a global result. The Arctic plays an important role in the global temperature and the weather system. “This is like a” air conditioning system of our planets, “said Tola Moon, deputy lead scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Its lack of global warming increases, increases the level of levels and helps to operate more extreme weather.

Scientists say there is an early warning system for Arctic climate change and the loss of seawater is a clear sign that is causing trouble. It should reach its maximum snow level at this time of the year, but instead it has to decrease the record.

“I hope these three months will not work as a new time predetermination this summer, because the starting point of melting season is not good,” said Mika Rantan, a researcher at the Finnish Metrological Institute, said Mika Rantin, a researcher, said.

Under the Arctic Sea snow at the end of the summer in September. Scientists say that the lowest levels of seawater in the last 18 years have been on record, a spiral that will continue.

By 2050, at some time the summer will be arctic ice -free, even if humans stop pumping climate pollution. Report The head of the seawater at Hamburg University, co -author of the drak notes. “It is primarily too late to stop it,” he told CNN.

According to a separate, the first ice -free day before the end of this decade can be Study Published in December.

Sea’s loss is not only harmful to about 4 million people living in wildlife, plants and Arctic – it has global consequences. Sea ice acts like a large mirror, which reflects sunlight from the ground and back into space. As it shrinks, the maximum energy of the sun is absorbed from the dark sea, which accelerates the global heating system.

One of the reasons for the recent low seawater race is the extraordinary temperature in the Arctic, which is getting heated four times faster than the global average.

“The most warm of February” was “the strongest record ever,” said Reninon.

NSIDC’s Tyla Chand said that Arctic Earth’s landscape is also changing.

He said that the melting of the Pirmafrost-Melt is a mess of clay, rocks and sesame seeds.

The wildfire has been more often and severe and forest fires have gone long. Last year marked Third time in five years Important, widespread cats are cracked across the Arctic.

These changes are primarily changing the ecosystem. For thousands of years, Arctic Tundra’s bush landscape carbon was stored, but forest fire and melting Perma Frast means that the region is now being released. More carbon stores than thatAccording to Noaa.

“There is only a tremendous change in the Arctic right now,” said Moon.

The satellite image is burning on July 10, 2024, a major fire in the Sakha, a region of northern Russia, along the Arctic Ocean.

What happens in the Arctic is reacting to the entire planet.

A hot arctic means land snow – glacier and ice sheets – rapidly melted, which increases the surface. Greenland Icesheet is already flowing around 280 billion tons Of snow in a year, one is enough to cover the whole Manhattan The ice layer is about 2 miles thick.

Jennifer Francis, a senior scientist at the Woodwell Climate Research Center, said that the high -speed heat in the region also weakens the stream of jet, which affects billions of people. He told CNN that “another stream of jet” longer the weather conditions, which causes heat waves, colds, drought and stormy periods. “

In this airstrike, Icebergs, on July 16, 2024, crowded the Iceford near Greenland's Elosis.

Scientists say that if a person stops pumping gases from the planet, some of these changes can be reversed, but from hundreds of years to thousands of times. Moon said many of these changes are “considered relatively unprofessional”.

There is another danger. Scientists’ ability to place tabs on the rapidly changing Arctic is at risk through geopolitical volatility.

Russia’s war against Ukraine means the country’s scientists, who is the largest Arctic nation, Has been discharged International support. According to a recent one recent, this is already damaged by scientists’ ability to detect what is happening in the Arctic Study.

In the United States, the Trump administration’s government climate reduction in jobs is raising serious concerns, especially as many measures are maintained by the United States. The University of Hamburg’s notes said, with less US skills and less US scientists, “at an important time for Arctic,” it would be more difficult to understand what’s happening “.

The note said, “What is happening in the Arctic is one of the most indications that” how powerful we humans have become changing the face of our planet. ” “We are able to eliminate the whole scenes.”

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