Hope for Britain’s loneliest bat after second species member discovered | Animals

In the 21 long winter, the UK’s most lonely batsmen were alone in an unused railway tunnel in Sussex.

Male large rats with a bat.myotis myotis) After being discovered in 2002, he was the only leading person of its kind – a decade later when the rare breed was officially declared extinct.

But the old bats can eventually find a colleague when he returns to his old hideout – a substance of the breeding mouse mine has been found in hybrouting this month at the South Donus National Park.

Another largest mouse of the ear, bats – the largest generation of British bats, the size of a small rabbit, whose wings extends to about half a meter – has also been found in the Dover Castle.

“The search for substance is beneficial and a remarkable discovery that brings great hope for this species,” said Daniel Witby, an expert environment and founder of the Bat Conservation and Research Unit. This is the first discovery of a rat’s batsman in the UK since the 1980s.

The Sussex woman has been carefully painted to identify her in the future. It was found to be young and young, though it is certainly not known whether it has been growing.

Now it is a long wait to see if the old man alone returns to the area. The man was discovered in 2002 during the winter. Every summer it used to fly, the destination was unknown, but, for notable, for almost two decades, he continued to return to his favorite railway tunnel every winter.

The ridiculous creature disappeared in 2019 and was missing for two years, he was considered dead, but then he pleased the bats enthusiasts, who re -appeared in his hybrony tunnel in 2022 and 2023. It collapsed again in the previous winter.

Environmental expert Nick Gray said, “It would be great if he comes back but he is definitely moving a bit.” Sussex Bat Group. “The substance is not an old bat, so there are all the possibilities for its growth and will be re -enhanced in the future.”

When the rat’s bats were declared extinct in 1992, it was the first land mammalia to disappear from the UK after 250 years ago.

Now a hot climate and the spread of grape gardens in southeastern England are helping generations that enjoy food for food between grapefruit in France.

Unlike other bats that rotate in the sky by collecting insects, this generation descends towards the earth, flocks on the toddler, cricket and dung. Often, it falls to the ground, spreading wings and wrapped on its prey.

The species is being provided with a project led by a project. Vincent Wildlife Trust (VWT) and Natural England’s Spaces Recovery Team was financed, so that chickens in the region for some rare bats in the UK can be made and increased, including rats with rats.

VWT’s Beat Program Manager, Daniel Hargirovis, said, “The coffin of this kind was felt in the British coffin, but this new discovery has once again created hope that a mammalia can be bounced back. “” “Since 2002, the lonely male has not been seen since 2023 – but we can only hope that more people will be discovered and a viable population will be formed.

“By providing proper chickens, reducing residence and reducing human threats such as artificial light and noise, this species can only provide the opportunity to recover.”

The rat’s bats were never common in the UK. When a colony was discovered in 1957 on the Oil of Porback of Dorset, it spread the sensation. Photos were published in the Times and many animals were taken out of hybrony for filming on TV studios. The harassment of the bats in the mid -hybridge was killed and some of them were encouraged by the collectors.

The place where the substance is found has not been revealed but it is home to 11 different types of bats, and it is one of the only places in the UK where rare Alcathoe The bats have been found to be hybrid. Gray added: “This site is undoubtedly of national importance and we are very fortunate that it is here in the South Donus National Park.”

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