Sunday, March 23, 2025 | 10:06 pm
High School
Sunday results
Rapkin experience
In Merlit Beach, SC
Avon Worth 8, Amos Alonzo Stag (IL) 4
Central Box South 4, Thomas Jefferson 3
Moore Catholic 3, New Castle 0
Schedule of Monday
Class 5A
Section 1
Armstrong in Palm, 4 pm
Franklin Regional in Pan Hills, 4 pm
Laterob in Pan Trofrd, 4 pm
Section 2
Bethel Park in Upper St. Claire, 7pm
Trinity in Charterus Valley, 7 pm
The moon in Southfight, the evening 4 o’clock
Section 3
Western Eligheeni in Aldedis, 4 pm
Fox Chapel in the sheller, 4 pm
Mars in Pine Richland, Mars 4: 15
Class 4A
Section 1
Ambridge in North Catholic, 4 pm
Beaver in Hopwell, 4 pm
Black Hawk in Hampton, 4 pm
Section 2
Albert Gallon, in the western mafin, 4 pm
Belle Vernon in Union Town, 7 pm
4 pm, Elizabeth Forward in Ring Gold
Class 3 o
Section 3
Berlille on Yoga, 4 pm
Deer Leaks in Southmoreland, 4 pm
Free Port in Mount Plans, 4 pm
Section 4
Venisburg Central in Breasile, 4 pm
Charlerooi in Washington, 4 pm
Seton Lassel, evening at 4pm, Stone Oxy
Class 2A
Section 1
Bennett Worth in Farazir, 4:30 pm
Bait Center in Fort Cherry, 4 pm
Bridget Stown in Charterus-Haven, Evening 4: 15
Section 2
Elkipa in Shaningo, 4 pm
Freedom at North Gate, 4 pm
Laurel in New Brighton, 3:30 pm
Section 3
Apollo Ridge in the South Side, 4 pm
Spring Dell in Brent Wood, 3: 45 pm
River View in Carlinton, 4 pm
Class A
Section 1
Evela in West Green, 4 pm
Carmachilles in Maple Town, 4:15 pm
Jefferson Morgan in Greensburg Central Catholic, 4pm
Section 2
Acne Academy at Summit Academy, 4 pm
Leachburg in the Union, 4 pm
Rochester in the Western Beaver, 4 pm
St. Joseph in Winchester Thorston, 4 pm
Section 3
Bishop Canon at the Seyakley Academy, 3:30 pm
Eden Christin in Clairton, Evening 4: 15
Sierra Catholic in Mansoon, 4pm
City League
Broshare in Kerike, 3:30 pm
Rapkin experience
In Merlit Beach, SC
Kalhun Academy (SC) vs. Avon Worth, 1:30 pm
Baldone in Butler, 3:30 pm
Central Valley in El Wood City, 4:30 pm
Ligonier Valley in Dairy, 4 pm
Mac Guffy in the gateway, 7 pm
Mohak in Willmington, 4:30 pm
North Alegini, 4pm, in Noreon
North Hills in the Valley, 4 pm
In Obama Academy Sto Rocks, 3:30 pm
River Side in Sanica Valley, 4 pm
Woodland Hills in MacCasport, 4 pm
PIA Play Office
Class 6 o
Schedule of Saturday
Father Judge (23-7) vs. Roman Catholic (25-5), in the evening at 8pm, Giant Center
Class 5A
Schedule Friday
Numin-Goreti (18-11) vs. Harshi (24-3) at the Giant Center, 8 pm
Class 4A
Schedule Thursday
Devon Prep (22-4) vs. BRICS Catholic (24-4), evening at 8pm, Giant Center
Class 3 o
Schedule of Saturday
West Catholic (13-14) vs South Elghani (27-3), 2pm, Giant Center
Class 2A
Schedule Friday
Linwelle Hill Christian Academy (23-5) vs. Seyakley Academy (24-5), 2pm, Giant Center
Class A
Schedule Thursday
Neighbor Hood Academy (28-1) vs Sankova Freedom Academy (19-11), 2pm, at the giant center
Class 6 o
Schedule Friday
Permamin Valley (27-3) vs. Upper St. Claire (23-6) at the giant center, 6pm
Class 5A
Schedule of Saturday
Class 4A
Schedule of Saturday
Numin-Goreti (25-4) vs. Lansidel Catholic (23-5) Giant Center, in the afternoon
Class 3 o
Schedule Thursday
Louisak Township (28-2) vs Shadi Side Academy (27-1) at the giant center, 6pm
Class 2A
Schedule Thursday
Berlin-Brothers Valley (26-2) vs Bishop MacCart (26-4) Giant Center, in the afternoon
Class A
Schedule Friday
Linwell Hill Christian (24-2) vs Bishop Galphile (29-2) Giant Center, in the afternoon
Soft hair
Sunday results
Rapkin experience
In Merlit Beach, SC
Brail 18, Hikori 0
Southfight 7, Stevenson (IL) 5
Pigeon Forge, Tan.
Bridget Town 16, Portsmout (OH) 6
Schedule of Monday
Class 6 o
Section 1
Butler in Pine Richland, 4 pm
Noreon in Canon McMelen, 4 pm
Hampfield in North Aleghaini, Evening 4: 15
Woodland Hills in Valley Sanica, 4 pm
Rapkin experience
In Merlit Beach, SC
Trinity vs Chardon (OH), 11:45 AM
Red Bank Valley vs Berl, 6 pm
Wortington Christian (OH) in Berliel, 3: 45 pm
Pigeon Forge, Tan.
Venusburg in Marshall County (KY), 11am in the morning
Mogador (OH) vs. Brosesville, 1 pm
Apollo Raj in St. Joseph, 4 pm
Carnas City, evening at Armstrong
Avon Worth in North Catholic, 4 pm
Beaver in Mars, 3: 45 pm
Bishop Kenyan at the North Gate, Syria 4pm
Black Hawk on the moon, evening at 3:30
Stone Oaks in Brent Wood, 4 pm
Soutmoreland in Charleroi, 4:30 pm
Cornell in Alukipa, 4 pm
Free Port in Deer Lakes, 4 pm
Seton Lasel in Greensburgh Central Catholic, 4 pm
In Greensburgh Salem Yog, 4:30 pm
Janet in dairy, evening at 4:30 pm
Jefferson Morgan in Albert Gallon, 4 pm
Leachburg in the valley, 3: 45 pm
Mac Guffy in Carmachilles, Evening 4: 15
Mohak in Laurel, 5 pm
New Brighton in Beaver Falls, 5 pm
Pan Hills in Highlands, Evening 4: 15
Pan Trafford in the northern hills, 4 pm
Ber in Franklin Regional, 4 pm
Rochester in Hopwell, 4 pm
In the Sheller Hampton, 4 pm
Sheningo in El Wood City, 5 pm
South Side in Carlinton, 4 pm
Steel Valley in our Lady of the Sacred Heart, 5:30 pm
Thomas Jefferson, in the Bullet Vernon, 4 pm
In Union Town South Park, 6 pm
Western Eligini in Baldwin, 5 pm
Western Beaver in the Union, 4 pm
West Green in California, 4:30 pm
Sierra Catholic, West Memphlan, 4pm
Schedule of Monday
Central Catholic in Canon Mac Millen, 7 pm
Beaver County Christian in Hoopwell, 7:30 pm
Seton Lassel in Laterob, Evening 7: 15pm
MacCesport at Ecanas Academy, 6 pm
Noreon in Baldwin, 7:30 pm
Peters Township at Fox Chapel, 7pm
Valley Sankica in North Hills, 7 pm
South Park in Franklin Regional, 7:30 pm
All schedules are subject to changing. To report score or schedule changes, email at See TribHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSN.Tribes for the results, statistics, standings and box scores from Western Pennsylvania.