Hideo Kojima Dropped a 10-Minute Trailer for ‘Death Stranding 2’, and One Character Looks Awfully Familiar

Also, Madis Michaelon was in it.

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Okay So… what do you really do in this game?

Most of the wandering. In fact, before it was released, creator Hudo Kojima Proudly declared They Death Standing The video game will launch the “perfect new genre”. In practice, this claim was slightly suppressed. Death Standing The third person in familiar mechanics is the action game: hiding the enemies of the past, shooting guns, and driving cars.

The major game innovation was a non -proportional social system in which players were awarded to help other players. When you say that, crossing the rotating mountains of Colorado, one player can only do the time and resources needed to make Gondola, which makes it easier to cross from one peak to the other. Gondola will then show other players to help them in sports. The game had minor rewards to put it in the extra effort, but most people did it to be good. It also co -ordinated the game (often inadvertently) plot, which resulted in a relatively pobed hoping note that means a new era of rebuilding, even when Sam itself went away from grid.

And were they all living a happy life?

Not apparently. A sequel, which title is Death Standing 2: On the beachDrops on June 26, and New released trailer An infamous tone sets. It is filled with a picture of the nightmares, including giant monsters, squaded painters, and gun -covered masked psychology, before the text of the screen.

There is probably one of the reasons for this dark accent. In 2022, Kojima revealed That he wrote a completely different sequel, but he eliminated the whole thing and started with a fresh concept that caused the Covade 19 pandemic diseases. The long interest of Kojima’s career in political comments-a relatively rate in an industry is often afraid to separate the vocabulary of reactionary concerts. Death Standing 2Which includes a role in which people from Mexico have been smuggled into the United States, and have a clear comment on the “unique American philosophy” on its impact on the “unique American philosophy” of the gun culture and on personal contacts with the person.

Who are the guys? Death Standing 2Anyway?

A mixture of old characters and new characters. In spite of its obvious retirement at the end of Death StandingNorman Reds returns as Sam Porter Bridges. – Metal Gear Solid 2: Son of LibertyWhich has forced players to assure that they will be playing as a solid snake, a polarizing new hero, within just a few hours. Nothing here is probably smart.)

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