Gyalo Thondup, Political Operator and Brother of the Dalai Lama, Dies at 97

The Dalai Lama’s office confirmed in a statement that the Dalai Lama’s oldest brother and Tibet and a political operator in the Greater Region, Gaelo Thundip, died. According to the Tibetan media, he was located in West Bengal in Klampong in West Bengal on Sunday. He was 97 years old.

The Dalai Lama said in the statement, “He was a good man who tried his best for the Tibetan Kaz.” Referring to the Buddhist belief in the cycle of re -birth, he said, “I pray that they can once again be born a good rebel as a Tibetan and they will be able to serve the Tibetan administration who once again spirituality. And is a set of politics. ” .

A prominent figure in Tibetan society and politics, Mr Thundup Have been called The second most influential person in the small Himalayan area, only his brother, Tanzin Gaitsu, the 14th Dalai Lama and the head of Tibetan Buddhism took the eclipse.

Together together Brothers have praised a political period In Tibet, the Himalayas are surrounded by a growing isolated area, which has long fought with Chinese influence and control. Although the Dalai Lama has often been more and more publicly publicly, courtes of focus and appreciation around the world, Mr Thundup was seen as a specific, geographical political operator who rest more than light light Was

For decades, Mr Thundup advocated his brother – the route deported since 1959 – allowed to return to the area. They maintained the company of international leaders in hopes of taking advantage of various stakeholders in the service of Tibetan independence.

One of the six farmers born in the Chinese town of Taxter, Mr Thundup, served as a lifetime adviser and a lawyer for his younger brother. He was sent abroad for education, he was the only one of his siblings who was not the destiny of religious life.

Free from spiritual responsibilities, Mr Thundup has spent his life working for Tibetan sovereignty, sometimes more aggressive than others.

Mr Thund up settled in India in 1952 and was a preliminary mediator when the Dalai Lama fled there after a failed Tibetan coup against the Chinese rule in 1959. Mr Thund Up will later demand his brother’s greatest success on behalf of his brother.

Mr Thund Up, in the 1950s and 1960s, used to ask Indian and US officials to cultivate some of Tibet’s first official contacts and ask for their support. In the 1950s, he assisted the CIA in an illegal attempt to armed the Tibetan separatists against the Communist Chinese government.

Mr Thundup has periodically met Chinese leaders to try to reduce Chinese influence on Tibet. Even in recent years, when the talks have been broken, it has urged the Tibetans to engage.

“It is important for the people of Tibet not to lose the hope of requesting our rights from the Chinese government,” Mr Thundup said at a news conference in 2008. Activity and Tibetan struggle against Chinese rule.

Dalai Lama Led to the service of prayer on Sunday For his late brother, his office said.

After this service, as the recitation ended, the Dalai Lama rose from his seat, salutes a picture of his late brother, and returned to his residential place.

Mujib Mashal Reporting was contributed.

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