Finnish designer Yrjö Kukkapuro, whose postmodern chairs graced waiting rooms and museums, dies

Helsinki (AP) – A famous Finnish designer Yarji Kokapooro, after which chairs in the latest style of waiting rooms, offices and residential rooms across Finland, as well as New York’s Museum of Modern Art and Victoria in London And got a collection at the Albert Museum. Died He was 91 years old.

On Saturday, his daughter confirmed his death on Saturday, his daughter, Isa Kokaporo-Anbum, made an e-mail to the Associated Press as well as a statement to the Associated Press on Sunday. Studio Coca -Kooro, Where he is a curator. The cause of death was not disclosed.

The studio said in a news release, “Almost every art is sitting in a chair he designed – a metro station, in a bank, in school, or in the library,” the studio said in a news release – “Yerji Coca Puro never stopped coming with designing and new ideas. By the end, he considered a concept of his new chair, which was clear in his mind. It was not time to make.

In a career spanning for more than 70 years, Kokapapo’s chairs were praised for their relief, functionalism and aergonomics as well as their design, and their prominent names such as Airtelji, Carcellane Chair, a long chair and, their, The most famous, experience.

Designed in 1982, the experimental chair was considered an Ant Guard but eventually succeeded commercially and was seen as a turning point for the latest furniture style. This experiment includes decorative, wavy armists, an upholstered back and bottom, and its signature angle seat, despite being flat on the ground.

Although early production ended in the 1990s, the European Furniture Design Brand Ham asked permission to re -reproduce Kakaporo in 2021 with minor adjustments in scale and construction.

It retrieves 2,399 euros (4 2,479) on the Ham’s website on Sunday, where a description of it was forced to “ever, bold, and today.”

The detail states, “In the experimental chair, Coca -Poro tried to add art to functionalism, to meet the necessary needs and meet romantic tastes.” “The result is a shocking, authentic, twentieth -century design hero.”

Coca -Puru designed the studio and home of his family to shape the window windows of the roof and the roof glass windows from the floor. In the late 1960s, his and his wife, Artist, was built for Kokapooro, who died in 2022, the next year, it is a schedule of becoming a museum.

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