Experts warn of threat to global health as Trump freezes USAID

The administration has specifically targeted USAID, saying that the agency’s expenses are absolutely incredible and has prepared some projects for example that the agency waste taxpayers’ money.

On the other hand, experts have warned of the spread of the disease as well as delaying the development of vaccine and new treatment as a result of deductions.

In addition to running many health programs directly, USAID provides funds to other organizations to work on their own, and being frozen in the fund has also led to confusion in these groups.

An exemption has been issued to freeze funds for some humanitarian programs, but the announcement has already been widely hampered by the service.

Tuberculosis (TB) and social medicine expert at the UK’s Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Dr. Tom Wingfield, told the BBC that the decision to abolish USAID is difficult to reduce.

“People do not appreciate USAID limit and access. It leads to under -nutrition, hygiene, toilets, access to clean water, which all affects TB and diarrhea diseases widely. –

“Diseases do not respect the borders – even more matters where we have climate change and mass movement of people. Infectious diseases will spread.”

Dr. Wingfield says TB killed 1.3 million people every year and made 10 more million people sick.

He said, but four out of 10 people never get any care and that is why they can transmit the disease.

“Whether it’s a research project or a clinic, then we run the risk of further transmission.

“People will die directly due to a lack of US financial support.”

These are not just TB clinics that are in danger, but also those who take care of people living with HIV.

Most of the work is done by NGOs, NGOs, which provide anti -retroot viral medicines that suppress the amount of HIV in the blood to unidentified levels, which to prevent other people in sexual intercourse. Help.

Dr. Wingfield says that if treatment is interrupted, there may be severe problems.

“People with controlled HIV, if they lose meds, their blood virus increases and then there is a risk of transmission.

“There is a danger of revolving all progress to date.”

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