Every State‘s Dream Travel Destination, Mapped

In a diverse country like the United States, it is no surprise that when it comes to travel, there is a limit to people’s priorities. But where are most Americans hoping to be all right? The answer is different in terms of state.

Google trends analysts have developed a map that highlights the most famous travel locations for residents of each state. The map is based on data collected from January 1, 2025 to 27 February 2025. Analysts used this phrase Flights To determine which places in each state are looking for the most. For,,,,,,,,,, for,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,, for,.Uniquely searching In the interest of the state’s search, a term has been represented more than the rest of the state of the state – or double -more searched.)

The destinations of America’s dreams are very diverse. | Google Trends

It is clear that most Americans want to travel abroad, people from 20 states seek such holidays. People from four states sought flights to Central American countries. Caribbean places also proved to be popular. Asian countries, such as Japan and Thailand, are also a general election. Japan is the most desirable overseas destination, which is seeking to see California, Hawaiians, and South Documents.

People from many states look at the United States while planning their travels. In fourteen states, American cities are as a holiday space. Las Vegas – a popular choice for North Dakota, Minnesota, and New Mexico – was a very favorite choice. Meanwhile, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire wanted to meet Orlando from Florida.

Holidays have proved to be very popular in tropical states, with people from Montana, Utah and Nevada being searched for flights to Hawaii and Michigan, Indiana, and Kentucky. Louddel, Florida.

Some states like the mountainous scenes instead of the coast. Residents of Arizona and Alabama wanted greenery in Seattle and Denver. On the contrary, passengers from five states prefer the desert. Residents of Washington, Montana, Iowa, and Kansas are at the top of the list of Phoenix, Arizona, while people in Alaska looked at Tixon, Arizona.

You can find an extended version of the map Here.

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