It’s not how it works. The greatest stupidity that anyone can suffer from power is to gain their own power with appreciation. It doesn’t work like this. The world is not made of Lego blocks that can be made, separated, and in the form of a form can be re -formed. Trying to treat such treats disrupts the roots from which one’s strength increases.
The government has some reason to celebrate the fact that it has strengthened the economy, so that an example can be presented. This is the fifth time that I see that the government has been celebrating the withdrawal of stability since 2001, so each of them is able to consider a lot of costs, which brings every cycle of stability.
For those starting, consider how every balance of paying crisis is high whenever we go through it. For example, in 2008, before starting the IMF program and another round of stability, the total foreign exchange reserves were dropped from peak to the trough. The next such fall began in 2011 and by 2013, the reserves had decreased B10BN – and another fund program.
Then the next fall, began in 2016 and came out in 2018, during which the reserves once again crashed for $ 10 billion. And such a last fall began in 2021 and after Bet 13bn was burned in 2022, they were the largest and fastest fall.
These figures are related to the state and how do their resources are burned during one of the episodes. There is another set of data on which we can see how people benefit from it. This is a real wage, which means how the wages and inflation and value of the workers have an impact on them, which is inevitable with each of them with episodes.
Each growth is less and less than the one who comes before it.
The work done by Adil Mansoor (my favorite economic writer) shows that if the nominal wages increase by 10 % every year, then by 2030, the workers will begin to regain the power of purchasing the purchase of the poor from 2017. Abuse these previous implications. There is no trivial increase in nominal wages for five years every year, just to go back to 2017, where we were in 2017.
Other work on the topic of long -term Dr. Hafiz Pasha shows that after 2017, the destruction of shopping power, which has been accelerated after revenge. Even in the worst years in the last decade, the real wages have not been so bad in recent years, which means that the workers did not destroy the power of their purchase as much as it has in the years after 2017.
As a common principle, the democratic government has never allowed real wages – which is measuring daily wages through inflation – being negative. According to Pasha’s work, for example, in the 2008 to 2017, the actual wage increased in the average 3PC every year. Therefore, it is a shock to see that the purchase power of today’s poor is worse than eight years ago. Rarely, we have seen the destruction of the income of the poor on this scale.
This is the other side of the balance of balance crisis that we have planted five times in the last quarter century. This is the other side of how stability has been successful by the other governments. Apart from the past, it meant that the power of the worker’s poor purchase is a sharp slowdown in the development of the poor. In our time, this means an active and sharp rollback of this purchase power completely.
And it doesn’t end there. Each of the following progress that follows this period of stability is less than coming. So if Musharraf Groth Boom continued for almost five years before entering his crisis, Nawaz’s growth continued for barely three years, and the growth under Imran Khan continued for less than two. Every high speed is less and less than what came before.
The crisis of payment of each and the crisis is much larger than ever. And each time the purchase of the poor is destroyed with maximum fruity. If the peak of inflation was a historic 25 PC after Musharraf’s growth, inflation affects 38 PC after Imran Khan’s growth in May 2023.
However, in both cases, the inflation spiral began during the time when both of them were in power, but when they left, they targeted a peak, which they used to accuse their successors of inflation. But in both cases, it was a strategy of careless and unstable growth, which led to the breakdown of inflation.
Every time stability comes, the government’s government celebrates it as a signature, and yes, it takes a long time to bring this stability. But we cannot repeat this cycle. Because whenever we go through it, the relationships that the ruler and rule are facing irreparable harm. Consider the deadly behavior that is used in a economy that features such booms and buses.
Investors look for quick and outdated returns because they know in their bones that good Times never live in Pakistan. Poor look of rackets, some turn to street crime, others spread themselves thin to run their income sources or run multiple multiple trade. And yes, in some cases they want to escape on the green coast.
In such an economy, the survival strategy that requires a healthy sustainable development operates, which increases revenue as well as production capacity.
The rulers need to understand that their relationship with the common citizens is so ignorant, the level of confidence is so low, the confidence in the institutions of the country is so low, that to seek obedience, the heavy hand should be avoided and the efforts to create consensus in their ranks should be avoided in view of the top priority.
The author is a business and economy journalist.
Dawn, appeared on March 13, 2025