Elon Musk’s Chaos Saw Strikes Again | by The Secret Developer | Mar, 2025

Source: https://news.sky.com/video/elon-musk-given-chainSaw-for-bureaucracy-ber-president– Rargentina-at-cp-1313670

I can’t believe it. How can the same things happen twice with the same man?

Elon Musk likes to dismiss people, but instead of losing a dead weight, he prefers to prefer people running.

We saw him on Twitter when he used the company’s engineering, confidence and safety, and customer support teams. Result? Increase closures, floods of scams, and a platform that somehow mixed Inferior Despite having a heelscape already.

Now, Kasturi is taking it Disrupting the talented To the federal government. According to the forecast, experienced affairs hospitals are canceling operations, and despite the national shortage, air traffic controllers are disappearing.

Cutting software engineers on Twitter is one thing, and I would say that this is a bad thing for software engineers and expectations on them.

This is another thing when job roles are associated with the necessary services. This is probably why Kasturi found himself in a hot confrontation with Trump’s cabinet members. This time, it wasn’t that Only Its usual brand cost madness. It was a direct threat to the protection of the people and the spirit came to light.

Transport Secretary Sean Duffy did not have. They align Slide a spreadset In front of …

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