The Department of Education, headed by Secretary Linda McMemon, will leave half of his staff as President Donald Trump is finally looking to close the agency.
A senior Trump administration official said a senior Trump administration official said about 1,315 people would be kept. Washington Post Tuesday, while another 600 accepted offerings offered to leave. This comes at the top of 63 probationary employees who were already allowed to go.
This means that half of the agency’s 4,000 people will depart.
McMemon said in a statement, “The department’s performance, the department’s performance, accountability and the department’s reduction is to ensure that resources are most important: students, parents and teachers.”
Trump has said he plans to close the agency, with reports last week to be ready to sign an executive order in which McMemon was asked to start the process. However, Congress will take a process to completely eliminate the agency.

Experts are warning that the move can prove to be destructive.
“Don’t make a mistake: Today’s action is far away from a comprehensive policy proposal to improve our educational system.”
“We are particularly concerned about how this move could endanger college students and students lenders,” Gadkari added.
“The basic work of the department may experience shutdown or breakdown, so that students are struggling to seek or renew or renew aid based on financing or campus. Meanwhile, students will struggle to access the current law provided benefits, and they will not be convinced of the debt.
Even if the education department closes its doors, there is no indication that federal students’ loan programs will be abolished. Another agency – such as the Department of Treasury – will possibly absorb 1.7 trillion loan portfolio of the department if it is closed. But such a large transfer can interfere with borrowers, McCarthy said. Free The last week
He said, “This will be a completely new step for the treasury, and so if that happens, it seems that it seems that all of it will move forward and re -divide the federal students ‘aid work in the service of the students’ debt.”
Senator Petty Murray, a Democrat, who had previously chaired the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Wage and Pension, and criticized the decision in a statement on the decision. CBS News.
He said, “Families want to help students get mathematics and reading scores and ensure their children can develop – instead, Donald Trump is taking a devastating ball to the Department of Education and our students and teachers are looting more than their resources and helps.
But Republican Senator Bill Casadi, who is currently headed by the committee, insisted that the move would not be as effective as other experts’ claims.
Cassi said, “I talked to @Edsmic Kemahon and made it clear that it would not affect @USDGOC’s ability to carry out its legal responsibilities.
Free I have contacted the Department of Education for comment.