Earth May Have Already Surpassed 1.5°C Warming Threshold

  • In 2015, Paris climate contracts set a complimentary (and necessary) target of placing global temperatures above 1.5 degrees Celsius above the industrial teams. But one study says that we had blown up this door in the past many years ago.
  • Scientists at the University of Western Australia Ocean Institute have long studied the Caribbean Sclero Sponges and formed a maritime temperature timeline, which is 1700.
  • Although this study claims that we crossed 1.5 degrees Celsius in 2020, other scientists questioned whether only one part of the world is enough to achieve the immense thermal complexity of our oceans.

Whatever your stand on climate change (that’s the fact, let’s move forward), it is impossible to “deprive the call of every name nearby to prevent temperatures above 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to the industrial level. In the past few years, the breeze has become a bit of a rally.

This expensive target was first exposed after the Paris climate contract, and a kind of climate threatening is defined-if we go through a long-term average increase at 1.5 degrees Celsius temperatures, and these levels are at their level for many years.

Well, the University of Western Australia Ocean Institute has some bad news: the world will probably blow up this doorstep Four years ago. Appeared in the journal The change of nature climateThe dissertation comes to the conclusion that by an unusual path – six sclerosis are analyzed, a type of marine sponge that is thinner from underwater caves in the sea. These sponsorships are usually studied by climate scientists and are called “Natural archive“Because they grow so slowly. For example, a year of a year-a-one mm-one year. Because of this, they mainly allow the climate data to be closed in their lime stone skeleton, not completely unlike the tree ring or the ice cover.

By analyzing the calcium proportion in these sponsors, the team can effectively calculate the water temperature, which is in 1700. In the Caribbean, sponsorship water is also a plus, because large marine streams do not read or distort temperatures. These figures can be particularly useful, as the direct human measure of sea temperature is only about 1850, when sailors sank buckets into the sea. This is why the Ben -Government Panel related to the Cabinet (IPCC) uses 1850 and 1900 as their pre -industrial baseline, According to the website Christ.

“The big picture is that the global warming clock has been brought forward for at least a decade to minimize the risk of dangerous climate change,” said Malcolm McClichch, the main author of the research. Associated Press. “Basically, the time is over.”

The study concluded that the world began to warm about 80 years ago after the IPCC estimates, and that we had already crossed 1.7 degrees Celsius in 2020. It’s a huge “wow, if true” is the moment, but some scientists are skeptical. Such a scientist, To talk with Life science“It is a reputation to claim that the device record is wrong based on yellow spings from a region of the world … it does not make sense to me honestly,” said, “It is honestly based on yellow spings from a region of the world.” Other experts Want to see more data Before IPCC’s climate round posts are completely eliminated, which says the earth is currently shaking over long -term temperature changes. 1.2 degrees Celsius.

Unfortunately, even if sponsorship is wrong, there is an increasing evidence that we are in the process of crossing this 1.5 degree limit as we speak. This January was the hottest on record, above 1.7 degrees before industrial temperature. According to The new scientistThis means that we have been changing more than 1.5 degrees for at least a year. It does not jump longer than the 1.5 line, but it is certainly a sign that we are approaching faster.

Regardless of the percentage, one thing is sure. In order to save the planet of the future housing, humans need to immediately reduce the emission.

Darren lives in Portland, a cat, and writes amendment/edit about Science Fi and our world’s work. If you look tight enough, you can find the previous things on Gizmudo and the paste.

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