- Donald Trump issued three orders to cancel lawyers’ security clearance in big firms.
- He termed the firms “dishonest and dangerous”, accusing the firms of surrendering the judicial process.
- Every firm has a relationship with Trump’s political opponents – and legal scholars say this is a problem.
Donald Trump issued another order on Friday, calling for employees’ security clearance in Paul Weiss, a major legal firm affiliated with his political opponents.
Friday’s order is For the third time, when the president has prepared law firms – Paul Weiss, Perkins Ko, and Koongton and Berling – to cancel the approval of their workers. He also ordered a review of their government agreements. This came a few days later when a federal judge blocked the order against Perkins Ko, and debating that it was potentially unconstitutional.
Critics have warned that the president’s attempts to talk to federal agencies or even preventing entering federal buildings can not only keep firms out of business, but also eliminate the rights of legal advice across the country.
Representatives from the White House, Paul Weiss, Perkins Co, and Koongton and Berling did not immediately respond to the requests for comment from a business insider.
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Relations with Trump’s Democratic Opponents
Trump’s ruling against Paul Weiss gathered Attorney Mark Pomantz, who had earlier left the firm to join the Manhattan District Attorney’s office in Trump’s financial affairs until his resignation in February 2022. Additionally, the ruling is that a colleague of Paul Weiss, a Paul Weiss companion against January, has brought a pro -bono suit against those who attacked people.
The order states that allowing employees of the Paul Wess firm to maintain their security clearance would “endanger national security or otherwise it would not contradict the interests of the United States.”
Similarly, Trump’s March 6 ruling against Perkins Koi termed the firm’s activity “dangerous and dishonest”, which highlighted the representation of the then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the 2016 run against Trump in 2016.
“Perkins Qui hired Fusion GPS, which again developed a false ‘drop’ designed to steal elections,” the order states that former British spy Christopher Steel cited a memo set in the election race, which was accused of Trump’s campaign and the Russian government.
Many claims in the so -called steel dossier were incredible, though something was eventually confirmed.
On February 25, Trump released a separate memo targeting Koongton and Berling. The memo particularly named and suspended Attorney Peter Koski’s security clearance, who provided legal assistance to former special lawyer Jack Smith.
Smith led the investigation of Trump and his affiliates, which led to the transfer of power after the 2020 presidential elections and the efforts of the Mara-Lago Social Club to interfere in the occupation of high-ranking documents.
In each order, Trump accused designated law firms and specific lawyers of surrendering the judicial process.
The big impact on the major law
Paul Weiss, Perkins Co, and Koongton & Berling are included in them The largest legal firms According to the Amla Global 200 rankings, in the United States, with billions of dollars of annual income. Each firm has more than a thousand lawyers and auxiliary staff, such as Para Leagues, Researchers, and Case Managers.
Former Federal Prosecutor, Nima Rahmani, told a Business Insider, who, who works in a lawsuit in the government contract or represents a client in the government work – or represents a claim against the government – security clearance may require, former federal prosecutor, Nima Federal Prosecutor.
“It does not matter whether it is working on a case of closed documents or on any issue of terrorism, they will have to clear up to review the content which is evidence and discovery in this matter,” Rahmani said. “Anything that can touch national security and military secrets, lawyers have to make this clearance, and if they do not afford this clearance, they cannot engage in representation.”
Removing this clearance is a blow to every firm’s business – a potentially deadly one, a lawyer representing but Kanz Koi said at a recent hearing.
“It’s really life -threatening,” Politico said during an emergency hearing. ” “It will make the magic of the end of the law firm.”
Rehmani said the cancellation of lawyers’ security clearance could also affect the customers of the acquisition of lawyers, which they could restrict to whom they were eligible to maintain lawyers whom the Trump administration allows clearance.
During the emergency hearing, the judge ruled that the “retaliation” of Trump’s ruling against Perkins Koi is clear on his face, and “the first amendment is moving in the wall of reservations.”
Hole issued a temporary prevention order, which parts of the president’s order are preventing the staff from being influenced by the staff, while legal challenges have been eliminated. The orders that affect Paul Weiss and Coatington and Berling staff have the effect.
“This ‘Alice in Wonderland’ can be entertaining where the queen of hearts is screaming, ‘closed with your heads!’ Haul said in disturbing articles … and announces a sentence before a decision.